
Here's a question that's been on my mind or a while, maybe somebody knows: why are there no solar panels on car roofs? Or any other flat top surface on vehicles? Weight? Durability? Effectiveness?

If the White House can get hacked, no one is safe. So, uh, maybe lock down your passwords and watch out for the phishy links in your email.

Imho, there is another, quite simple reason, why this dirt-cheap solution was unattractive: it didn't create jobs. At least that's what politicians usually tell us, when they opt for expensive systems they want to see produced in their state. And since all those lobbying companies don't spend much on political

my thought as well, that's why I looked at the taxiway of the 2007 hangar: I think the span next to the building gives a pretty good indication of the expected size of whatever it housed. Same might help with the new building.

I should clarify then: those crying for war should have to fight it themselves - exclusively. No young, able bodied men & women to send in his/her stead. You want war, you fight it.

When I watched BSG as a kid I hated that damn robot, it really got on my nerves.

I agree. I also think that putting all your eggs in one basket (ship) spells disaster in a hostile environment. The brits can tell anyone interested all about their incredible luck of not losing all its assets during the falkland war. And they had all their material spread over several ships...

If so, it is very troubling as haven't welearned that lesson far too many times in the past, all with horrific results?

"An advice seeker calling herself a "Frustrated Housewife" laments that she's always been attracted to the tall, dark and handsome types, but now finds herself married to a guy "about the same size as me and completely nonthreatening."

You mean like through the IP address?

Director's Cut all the way. And I can only recommend this documentary: "Dangerous Days - Making Blade Runner " from 2007. It's a must, imho.

I'm pretty sure that aesthetics are a low priority right now. Once it's consumer ready I'm pretty sure they will be pretty and shiny.

With this in mind, I doubt that Sweden's wild goose chase will be the last one of its kind for some time. As this technology spreads we will probably see more and more news about "foreign objects"suspected to be operating closely off friendly shores.

Thank god I'm watching this right before lunch, so tasty....

That made my day :D Thanks for the laugh!


By far the best review ever!

Wow, looks like Moses found more than just the Holy Land on his journey, somehow he laid roots to an empire as well, and not even in this galaxy :)

First I thought "nah, this is ridiculous, I might smile when watching, but laugh?" Man, was I wrong, that is funny as hell! Gotta go, watch it again :)

It also helps to have a chain being pulled to assist with the recovery.