
What a beautiful story, thanks for making me read it. Now I feel warm and fuzzy inside.

My all time favorite gif, I laughed so hard when I saw it for the first time, my neighbor asked me the next day what it was all about :)

Are these training rounds or the real deal? If so, what ammo did they use?

Being able to punch Flyer 60s, in various configurations, rapidly out of the Osprey's rear ramps would be huge capability improvement and would perfectly fit tactics associated with the MV-22's unique abilities, one of which is inserting Marines behind enemy lines.

Actually it was her Mom and Dad. Thank you, parents! Great job!

Too bad, it is gone.


Touché :)

I see what you did there, call it lame and no Star for you, Sir.

There. I fixed it for you.

I'm an aircraft nut and at first I even thought of getting me some of these specimens, such a cool way to display them. But on closer inspection I don't really see the price justified nor much retail value in these paper planes. Just look at the lines and windows drawn on the An-225: they are handdrawn. For some that

I know what you mean, I could not watch this, she is just not right as a narrator. Too bad.

Quite nice and it will probably be entertaining for 20 odd minutes and you might be a person of interest for another 5 minutes. Then it's off to the drawer where all the other gimmicks are parked until it's time to "remember back when...?"

The test broke Col. Stapp's wrists, cracked his ribs, and rendered him temporarily blind from the rupture of the blood vessels in his eyes. But he survived.

Fantastic! +1 for you, good Sir!

In my opinion this book pretty much nails it.

Soon: the Apple iFlap. Teflon casing meets golden ring/earring.

Maybe its just that I'm an insensible klutz, but I don't see anything but an annoying b/w movie with bad music. Unbearable!

How could they miss the opportunity to call it a Beercycle?