
The launch really hasn’t been that terrible. AT all. Stop saying that, it’s driving me nuts. Very rarely do launches on server-based games with massive numbers of players go well in the slightest. This one has been pretty average, and faaaaaaaar from terrible.

Way ahead of you. Just put my phone in the microwave for a few hours.

Damn Dr. Nerdlove just laying down the truth bombs today.

I believe many people, including myself, prefer the method advocated by Omarlsuf. It includes a full external rotation using a better grip.

If young metro don't pay you I'm gone shoot em

Thing is, they’ll win 38 games and get the 14th pick in the draft again. It’s going to be a long five years for Fred.

As a fellow Bulls fan I understand this so much. The way our team just broke up would make you think it was 1999 again, except we didn’t get even a single championship out of the Rose-Noah-Butler-Gasol squad.

All this NBA excitement, as a Bulls fan I can’t wait for the train wreck season followed by the 2017 lottery pick.

Russ Westbrook is gonna put up 35/8/11 over a season and the Thunder will go 42-40 for the 8 seed.

I already feel sad for Westbrook. Not as sad for the Sonics Thunder.

I mean, what you really probably need is a truck, but when your neighbor offers to sell you his 2005 Porche 911 with 30,000 miles on it for $5000, that is what you buy.

Having fun isn’t hard, when you have a library card.

Yeah I’d like to know more about this...

Except that Jesus, as a first-century Jew, did not believe in Hell. And Christians who do are succumbing to some straight-up Greek Pagan bullshit aided and abetted by some seriously dicey translation and interpretation.

Really? Link?

Ugh, this just keeps looking worse and worse and more and more like ingress. Hard pass! give me a real style pokemon game where I get a starting pokemon and encounter random fights and can actually battle with others by commanding the pokemon. Not this hold a location auto win garbage

The Bulls will never succeed again with Jerry Reinsdorf as an owner. He managed to dismantle arguably the most successful team in NBA history by choosing to keep Jerry Krause rather than MJ, Jackson, and Pippen because “Organizations win championships”. What has the organization done since 1998?

Does anyone else see the irony in this?

A couple other tips:

Fairly obvious from this post that you play pick-up at the whitest courts ever.

Give the kid a break, he learned how to play defense from James Harden.