
What else doesn’t make a lick of sense is that IO9 once again offers series analysis from a writer who admits mid-article that they haven’t seen the show.

In the Captain Carter universes she goes into the ice instead of Steve, so she’d be the same age as he is in the main MCU.

Ah, yes. Tell us you have no idea what working on creative projects implies without telling us you have no idea what working on creative projects implies.

Maybe i am reading to much into it, but it seems to show a lack of faith in "Echo."

.....or his wife.

I’m digging the colored-pencil-style backgrounds.

Australian Pie: That’s not a pie... *This* is a pie. (shows enormous Four’n’Twenty footy pie - which is already full of meat)

I do feel like people have lost the sense of what an episodic show IS. I hear “what is this season even ABOUT” and it just baffles me. It’s about Mando! Going places and doing stuff! Maybe being raised on episodic sci-fi like Star Trek: TNG and Doctor Who has spoiled me. I do like a season-long arc for some shows, but

Exactly! I’ve seen people complain about how the show is too episodic and “it’s just side quests without a real main plot!” since S1. Now we’re here in S3 and people are still surprised and mad we’re getting side quests without much main plot. Like, at some point you just gotta realise that’s all there is to it.

I know people knock Marvel movies for being formulaic and too dependent on convoluted worldbuilding, but looking at the trailers for Quantumania and Fury of the Gods you can tell that one studio knows how to sell superhero movies to the public, and it ain’t Warner Bros. Marvel trailers generally foreground the actors

I feel like the biggest problem with the show is that it never really committed to a tone. It spent the entire season throwing various ideas at the wall to see if any of them would stick, which is the sort of thing that should be done BEFORE filming starts. Even within some scenes, it felt like some of the actors were


All of this seems to be a conscious realization of the fact that the ST has no legacy to speak of. They were a mostly dull rehash of the OT that failed to expand the universe or move the overall story forward, and ultimately provided no foundation for any kind of future stories set in the Star Wars universe. (Yep,

According to the reviews I was supposed to like this show, but I just found much of it a slog. I watched it because Hugh Laurie(genius) was in it, but the style of humour telegraphed to me miles away, that sort of cynical “everything will always go wrong and people will always be at their worst” style and I barely

To bad this is all we will get. I really enjoyed the show.

I’m weird in that I actually quite liked Chronicles, in that it was an interesting movie with a gorgeous art style and some good cinematography that accidently seemed to have the character from Pitch Black in it. I kind of went in with an open mind as I had just enjoyed the game, which was kind of the same, awesome

She was on “The Rookie” as Officer Nolan’s crazy nemesis! Yea, she played good villains.

I actually thought Vikander did the role way better than it had any right to be. The first reboot game it was aping to tell the story was just SO bad in the film and frankly, I still don’t understand making a cinematic game only to then make a movie out of it. But ESPECIALLY if you’re going to take the most

The Rocketeer was just used as a show for little kids. There’s been some talk of redoing it with an African-American lead for Disney+.

When they started to release info on the plot I started to the think that this is just a big budget version of “Battle Beyond the Stars”