
I’d like to second your support of Black Hole not because it’s an amazing film but because it’s no worse than the first Tron so there’s no reason we can’t get more sequels set in that weird expressionistic Hell/event horizon

I agree with you. I only kept on watching it because I thought it was a limited series that told the story they wanted to tell in one season.

Agreed, the humor and dialogue felt woefully out of place. I kept looking for “Produced by Kevin Feige,” because everything about the show screams “MCU Formula.”

1000% agree - the modern speech and music was horribly out of place and took away from the willful suspension of disbelief. The production value and design are amazing. Yet the most important thing - the writing - is absolutely intolerable. That and the generally horrible acting by most of the younger cast and the

I’m not interested in telling people what they should or shouldn’t like, but stop pretending to be shocked by very obvious things. His movies are clever genre pieces that try new things while largely abiding to the formula, and are incredibly well-directed. Seriously—we like genre because it is something we already

I always thought that the 2017 Mummy blew its chances by not having Rick and Evelyn show up at the end as the real leaders of the SHIELD-type anti-monster organization. They’ve become semi-immortals, and have dedicated their lives to cataloging monsters throughout history and fighting the irredeemably evil ones, and

Them is a fantastic movie.

I agree that a Them! remake is completely unnecessary... But that has never once stopped Hollywood from trying.

The only good thing about this is that this appears to be a passion project for him, which means Giacchino has some investment in making it good and putting his personal mark on it.... rather than a studio

“Many of you feel sorry for this robot. That’s because you are crazy! It is just a robot. It has no feelings. And the new ones work much better!”

Guess I am in minority, but I rather enjoyed it.

This and Lower Decks is some good Trek.

That last film (and really the trilogy) were MUCH better than they should have been. To me, one of the very rare “complete” trilogies that stick the landing with each installment.

There’s a brief moment showing Babu Frik.

the downgrade from TLJ to ROS was incredible

Something I’ve noticed a lot of lately is people demanding “Show, Don’t Tell”, then the moment something (especially Star Wars) tries to convey anything visually, all I hear is “Why did that character do that!?”, or “Why did they do that weird thing with the editing?!?”.

The biggest loss from this isn’t a notional third movie, it’s the untimely demise of the Tron: Uprising series.

I have never understood this point of view. To me any story is about the journey, how the journey will change the characters and the cost of the journey. It really doesn’t matter that we know he will survive the series (cause be honest your expecting him to anyway). What matters is what he will do and how that will

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They’re also Awesome Facial Hair Bros.

Designs look okay, but the animation, it seems to lack any weight to a lot of the movements and screams budget preschool educational children’s show quality. The trailer also seems to suffer from putting lines in scenes they where likely don’t belong in the show proper, unless they just have bad lip sync. Really not