
Sounds more like TimeCop.

That’s nice. My opinion of them has not changed, they are hugely disappointingly awful.

I can’t believe how much momentum has been lost since EndGame. Delays, setups not being paid off, none of the new movies of recent times have had sequels announced, Kang being ‘cancelled’ but who knows what that has evolved into. It’s all completely fallen apart, and they just look like they’re desperately flailing.

That’s not what the ‘immaculate conception’ is.

It’s a video game mechanic. Learning the exact steps by repeatedly getting killed and returned back to the start point is totally how arcade games worked, especially ones like Dragon’s Lair and Space Ace.

Nor does your dismissive attitude prove I don’t. I’m not claiming to be the ultimate authority, I’m saying that what happens on set and what happens in post are very different, which means the actor is not the one to ask about visual effects. Instead ask the visual effects supervisor, they are someone who has their

Well, I have friends who work in VFX, including multiple Marvel movies and the Lord Of The Rings trilogy, and also many friends who are movie Directors and practical effects artists, and I have occasionally worked in film and TV myself (though admittedly not very much) since the 1990s, mostly in pre-production and as

Yes, I do think that. Because they are frequently wrong about the sides of the industry they have no involvement in.

Actors are the last person that should be asked about VFX. All they know is what was on set, they have no clue what was subsequently applied in post.

This seems very much like nudging against Christopher Nolan territory.

The letter X is now completely contaminated, soon enough it will be expunged from the alphabet for a thorough cleanse, before eventually returning to its former usage.

May I suggest they work in Jodie Foster somehow.

I find it funny, but if you’re not a Noel Fielding fan then you probably won’t be into this.

To be fair, the story concluded quite satisfyingly, and it seemed to me that Taika wasn’t interested in returning, so I’m not that disappointed.

I was living in Sydney when Revenge Of The Sith was being made, and my friend Justin was the Droid Supervisor, in charge of Threepio and assisting Anthony Daniels. Justin was staying at my apartment for a month while shooting was going on, and he brought the entire suit over one evening, in three huge pelican cases.

This is another good place for me to brag that I once had a screen-used C-3PO costume in my apartment once.

They are objectively badly written, badly directed, and badly acted, with racist character portrayals and dated visual effects. I will never understand how people can overlook this.

Except this reappraisal is coming from people who were 8 years old when they came out. They have the same nostalgic rose-coloured glasses we Gen Xers have about cheesy 80s movies.

For example, we’ve never seen red on the Grid before.

Kyle himself is no longer Star Wars canon