What else doesn’t make a lick of sense is that IO9 once again offers series analysis from a writer who admits mid-article that they haven’t seen the show.
What else doesn’t make a lick of sense is that IO9 once again offers series analysis from a writer who admits mid-article that they haven’t seen the show.
In the Captain Carter universes she goes into the ice instead of Steve, so she’d be the same age as he is in the main MCU.
Ah, yes. Tell us you have no idea what working on creative projects implies without telling us you have no idea what working on creative projects implies.
Maybe i am reading to much into it, but it seems to show a lack of faith in "Echo."
.....or his wife.
Space Jam is awful. It was awful then, and it’s awful now. It is the epitome of this post’s thesis.
Oof - those faces are terrifying. Do not like. Hayao probably disappointed by his son yet again with this one, poor little dude.
I have an opinion on this situation.
I’m still in for Warren as well. It’s two small-ish states. The country has -not- spoken.
I spent an inordinate amount of time hex editing game files in DOS looking for unused text, programmer notes or other flim flammery. Tons of swear words, too; it was pretty great for middle school aged me.
Learning moments aren’t a bad thing. They can be uncomfortable, but sometimes people need to be told when they’re hitting a blind spot.
They love their sics here -- more than actually catching their own typos.
Thank you for that revelation. That encapsulates everything I thought about both bands. Wow!
When it’s someone you already thought was an asshole, there’s a special kind of vindication in knowing you were RIGHT -- even if it’s really sad that it turns out you were right about them ten times over...
“people who know me know I’m not that guy.” No, “I never thought of myself as that guy. It’s very humbling and revealing and painful to realize you’re not living up to your own expectations. I’m very sorry to the people I hurt, even if it wasn’t my intention, they felt violated and hurt. My intentions don’t matter if…
This. Can we just stop talking about this useless waste of flesh and let him die into obscurity already? Stop making stupid people famous
Sadly there will only be four seasons, not five. The fourth season is the one premiering in a couple weeks.
Dylans report from Yale has been available for some time. I have worked with people that were abused and have some ambivalence about posting this except that the Farrows and even the Ct state prosecutor claims that they would have prosecuted him but they wanted to save Dylan from dealing with court, but the report belo…
Personally, I won’t be doing this because I actually don’t want to remove the temptation. Children need to learn how to deal with temptation. They need to learn that when they (metaphorically) run when they shouldn’t, they fall and get hurt. Without that lesson, they’re more likely to be ill-equipped to handle those…