
That’s what she said

Who gets married to solve relationship problems?

Nothing you just said is correct. You can have empathy for the humans involved AND enjoy the absurd destruction. And it doesn't matter in what order you do it.

This is the old man I strive to become.  Has empathy, but not without enjoying the absurdity of life. Also I would like to own a hat

In the photo above, the guy on the left looks like he’s wearing a really tall, green wig.

No one is owed a spot on anyone else’s platform. If the PA guys don’t like their politics (and good for them if they don’t, honestly) then they don’t have to put them on stage.

I good many (perhaps most?) Christian Contemporary Music artists are not Christian.

The leering isn't about what is and isn't quality nakidity, but rather about having the power to creep someone out, or the power to force someone to see. When that thrill wears off, they will escalate.

Right. I love being naked because as I get older my skin gets more sensitive to fabric rubbing against it all the time, especially wool in winter. Being naked in the sun is the cure for that.

This may all be true and well-reasoned, but man this show is so boring as to be unwatchable.

It does not bother Ted that he will always be identified as Sam Malone. He finds it a little weird, because he never felt like the “cool guy,” but he knows he’s blessed to have such a memorable role and career.

We can humbly blame ourselves for our age, or we can all point out that the article was really badly written by any standard.

Sure, but the Duffers aren’t making an homage to 70s auteur movies. Or 60s French New Wave or 90s Post-Pulp Fiction Indie or any other genre besides 80s mainstream crowd pleasers. And sure I’d love to see more shows looking to the 70s Auteur films but it’s a tough sell as they tend to be downers and for mature

He *was* reaching out through his streams and nobody cared enough to take it seriously! I was saying it was a cry for help while others were attacking him over it. “Oh, he just wants attention... Fuck him!” Yeah, wanted attention because he wanted somebody to save him from his troubles!

It doesn’t really matter. No budget for raises means no budget for raises. Not “Bob is getting 10k/yr more and you are getting nothing”. Also, coworker usually implies someone who is in roughly the same position as you.

I will be as long as men are insecure about their dicks.

As a die-hard Columbo fan I approve this message.

Holy shit, I didn’t even know I needed this until right now and now I am immediately sad that it isn’t already available to watch.

Holy Christ this a genius casting idea

Celine Dion is a weird and wonderful goddamn treasure who we must protect at all costs. (possibly from herself at times.)