
Yeah, the light might be green—but that doesn’t always mean folks are going to stop.

Sometimes I think people do this kind of poor inconsiderate thinking because they are only considering it “topical news made into silly costume*” rather than making any political point.

Really? “It’s a game of two halves, but in the end the best team won on the day” is the best stuff?

The worst time to interview anybody is when they are exhausted after a game and have absolutely no perspective, a loose grasp of comprehensible vocabulary beyond pat phrases, and are standing around half naked and just want to get the hell out of there and have a drink.

wholly embrace the “season”—whatever that completely inoffensive “season” is

This is why most conspiracy theories are so ridiculous and unlikely. They’re all sustained by intellectual idiots who think they’re being cunning.

The “without talent representation” are undoubtedly a very busy company.

You should watch LA To Vegas.

Nah. It’s because I am unattractive to women.

Instagrammers use far too many hashtags.

The stupid hang-ups people have about which animals are okay to eat and which aren’t are completely illogical.

Justin Bieber seems destined for the 27 Club.

Gwyneth was five years older than him, not the usual way things go in Hollywood.

She was born during the run of Miami Vice. That makes me feel so very old.

There is not as big an age gap between Chris Martin and Dakota Johnson as I thought. Darn, can’t use that to get annoyed at them, then.

May I suggest Melissa McCarthy?

Brett Kavanaugh is here to stay.

I think the problem here is the gaps Rowling is filling in are, in your mind, already filled with your own head canon, and they clash.


Is that Norman Reedus?