
Apparently the reason Florida gets so much notice for its kooks is because it has legislation that says their Police incidents get released far more frequently than other States, like by hundreds-fold. So all the weirdos in other parts of America remain hidden behind sealed records. The assumption therefore is that

They’re literally touching each other.

Is it a group photo, or are they Photoshopped together, with each not knowing who else was included?

For Hermione Granger, Cedric Diggory is a better match than Ron Weasley.

If I was so rich that any dumb business venture I attempted would barely dent my finances if it failed, then something this absurd would be on my potential list (somewhere near the bottom I hope) because why not? In reality I’d use that money to make movies, which could just as easily be similarly unpalatable

Yeah, it’s not abusive, but it still seems like a power imbalance. Though maybe it could be argued JLaw is uniquely equal in that regard.

In a year of creepy movie industry folks being outed and shamed, the dichotomy of older Directors dating their much younger stars comes across as especially inappropriate.

I will certainly need 100 pounds of marijuana to get through this trainwreck!!

Treating General Hux as a ridiculous joke instead of an intimidating foe was subversion too, I think.

Seriously? What is this, 1997? Does it play a MIDI file of “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town” too?

I am going to add “Agnes Magnus” to my list of “comedy names for future projects”.

Crazy Taxi.

Is it 1973? If not, then no, these are not fine.

Maybe Lifehacker should take a break for a while.

He looks like a cabbage patch doll that’s been left on the back shelf of the car for the whole summer.

Trying to figure out what word she’s thinking of. “Recap” maybe.

You just cut it out of the ground and stuck it in your house. It’s gonna die.

We used to get our tree around the 22nd, and it would be down before New Year’s. And yes, we cut it ourselves.

I’m not making rules, I’m just talking about how long Christmas usually lasts for most people, taking into account the inevitable last minute scramble, and likely immediate removal of everything within days of it being over.

My point was that they should only be up for about five days so why bother? Even the fire risk shouldn’t be any more significant in that short a period.