PT is going to be disappearing from the PlayStation Store soon.
PT is going to be disappearing from the PlayStation Store soon.
So let me get this straight...
This is me from my brand new twitch stream, check it out at
I don’t know how the hell this is possibly comfortable, but goddamn if I’m not glad to see it. All he needs now is a black lightsaber...
Seems to me like recusing yourself due to recognition of your own bias is being a professional.
I suggest you read the article again if you don’t understand why in fact the only professional thing to do in this situation is to recuse yourself from coverage of the title due to fears of perceived bias.
I kind of understand his point. If he acknowledges that he is not able to separate a personal issue from his own work, it should be better to not mix both of them in any way. I’m sure that, in the end, it would only generate more headaches.
your headline makes it sound like the Hawks players were arrested for stabbing Copeland.
Managers who don't stand up for their employees are THE WORST.
Cool, I really hope this spurs a conversation on talk radio amongst old white guys on whether or not young African Americans should “be allowed” to use the N word. This is the most pressing concern regarding race relations in this country and it needs to be discussed.
I never even considered Reckless Silhouette Guy, but man what a son of a bitch he’d be in 8p Smash!!
You know, I had no idea I had a crush on T-Pain until just now.
I...A Billionaire Dinosaur Forced Me Gay? Is that...what?
Then get them over medium, the proper way.
If all rugby teams got dissolved for singing the lyrics to most (okay all) rugby songs, there would be no rugby teams
more than making up ones bones, calcium is also an electrolyte that is essential to keep your heart beating correctly. It is not possible to live without calcium.
Oh boy.
That is both hilarious and epic. I would love for this to be canon!
YOU GUYS I want an actual Muslim president so bad. It doesn't even matter where he or she stands on the issues; it would be worth it just to watch these morons cry and shit themselves.
Fun fact: Jesus actually came to St. Louis first. Both mainstream Christians and Mormons got it wrong. I mean, why else would the second-highest position in the Catholic church be called Cardinals?