
I had a Volkswagen Fox - the thing ran forever - I only got rid of it when it's value fell below what it would take to get it to pass inspection. RIP Betsy: 1989 - 2007(?). (photo not mine, but reflects the typical female reaction to the vehicle).

I'm trying to think of something witty, but this game was too much of a shit sandwich for me to think of anything.

My in-laws are all British, and they are extremely amused at how Americans consider "wife beater" a classy beer.

Who, because of bad blocking, was promptly tackled inside the 2. Got it.

Oh good lord.

In all seriousness, can someone explain what the hell they were trying to do?

The fact that I found this loss to be better than other losses perfectly sums up my lifetime of Jets fandom.

You can get Schlitz at the larger beer and liquor stores in NJ as well - I highly recommend Total Wines if you are planning on Leaving Las Vegas - but I have never seen the tall boys in the tri-state area. Only 12oz cans and bottles.

Where the heck can I get Schlitz Tall Boys in NYC!? Someone tell me! I MUST HAVE IT.

I started reading the reviews before I watched the first episode...

Oh, you can silence me, but you can't silence Collier's magazine!

Oof - shot through the heart!

This exact thing happened to me. Also in 6th grade. You aren't from NJ by chance, are you?

Did I just hear an "are you shittin' me?"

I remember a lot of this.

I thought this was an ad for the Gerard Depardieu vehicle: "Operation .500"