Gordon Toot

I actually do care, and I am not bothered in the slightest by the loot box situation, It has been proven to be blown out of proportion and EA took steps to appease the fanbase. Fine. I might pick up the game, but right now my backlog is a bit full.

I don’t have to be the top scorer in every game, I just have a good

See the problem is entitlement. Look at most of the posts “I’ll just buy it secondhand to screw EA! or If I could Pirate it and play it online I would! Fuck EA!” Rather than either buy it and just don’t buy the loot boxes, or simply ignoring the game altogether (which would be much more damaging to EA in the end)

You got it right there. If someone doesn’t like the systems in place, just don’t buy the game.

Let it go bro. Just let it go. This isn’t occupy kotaku.

Lol. Yeah I’m and ea exec on kotaku correcting people who can’t read. Your figured it out. Bravo.

I am absolutely positive that there is NO PLEASING some of you. You’ve won. Its over. All your crying and bitching about “loot boxes” and “predatory business practices” has made a EA bow to you, and yet many of you, ARE STILL BITCHING AND COMPLAINING. Let it go trolls. Again, you never had to buy this shit show in the

His best course of action is to retire after the season and live the life he’s earned: unlimited time with his toy trains, conductor’s hat, and hourly snack breaks of mashed potatoes with mayonnaise.

“Oh no, Brain! That fan dressed like Nikki Bella got hit in the face with the announce table!”

Can we stop being amazed by corporate Twitters already? Millenials break free of Madison Avenue’s influence, only to be gulled by its stupider, cheaper Internet analogue.

Wait… people still think that multinational companies’ social media accounts are managed by interns?

I like how they reiterated what this extremely brief, straightforward tweet said directly under it, in case we somehow missed it. Now that’s good reporting!

This is a 2-day old tweet, did that really warrant another story about this?

I see you getting a lot of shit for this post, so let me help you understand exactly why:

It’s not that your take is bad (it is, but that’s not really it)

Because not everyone is such a twat.

I’m not arguing that there isn’t racism in PA (clearly), but it’s a swing state for a reason. My town, for instance, wasn’t incredibly diverse but we’re about 50/50 on rednecks and environmentalists. At least in the southern half, farmland (which includes old-time republicans and solar energy loving dems alike) is

Nope. Just wondering where this progressive Mecca is that has no racists that asmallcat is from. Sounds lovely. I’d love to visit.

I honestly believe that he could go anywhere, and they’d get over it as long as the team didn’t completely crater. What got people crazy about him wasn’t just what he was saying, it was the perceived presumption of doing it while you were sitting on the bench. Nobody cares that Marshawn Lynch is sitting down because

One time, I was running while holding a corn snake

Magary is gonna come take a shit on your desk for moving in on his schtick

And every time she thought she was finished, another Columbo would appear and say, “Just one more thing....”