Gordon Toot

hey, remember when the whole gawker network and its commentators were trying to paint ivanka as some poor put-upon progressive struggling against her awful father?

How dumb would someone have to be to think we would colonize space? Should Drew try to get social workers to look after that guy?

Absolutely. Every single game has been an ordeal. Their record is brilliant because the league is a garbage heap this year, and they’ve still struggled to get that record. Antonio Brown is a beautiful soul and Bell is the only running back I’ve genuinely loved watching since like... CJ2K? But this team is absolutely

Quit trying to make your autism everyone’s problem and read for context, dummy.

Fuck off with that. She’s inspiring like Gina Carano would be if Rousey never came around to show you could be the pretty face of your field while also being fucking competitive in it. YOU TOO CAN BE THE TOKEN FEMALE PARTICIPANT IN YOUR SPORT WHILE BEING CONSTANTLY SEXUALIZED IN ADVERTISING.

Dallas Cowboys fans from Pennsylvania should not be allowed to vote.

“People don’t think I’m some loser like a wrestling fan, they regard me as a smart and cool guy who wears his hat backwards.”

300+ offensive linemen? That’s dozens of too many men on the field flags!

Exactly how dumb of animals do you think these men are that they’re barely stopping themselves from being serial rapists?

Getting hit in the head doesn’t turn you into a rapist. What are you even on about?

Well thank god we don’t need to worry about hundreds of people getting shot because you’ve deflected it with... I’m not even sure what.

It’s obviously not. This is an article about fans in the northeast. Are you lost?

Yeah, mocking sexual abuse is probably better than acknowledging a city’s race problems.

...all these morons in New York City and Boston with their confederate flags?

yeah, no shit.

“I mean, I guess it speaks to the gullibility of people. Just because you read something on social media doesn’t make it true” 

Deadspin discusses SBNation’s shortcomings in desperate attempt to distract from the multiple times they’ve published nudes from from unconsenting people.

My mother is 69 years old. She spent three decades as a pharmacy technician. She’s a couple months removed from having a plate put in her neck and she’s consulting for pain management for her lower back.

“Enjoy your practice squad paycheck, enjoy your practice squad trophy.”

“I won’t release any information about his game plan or what he’s working on; I wouldn’t do that. But this has become a fiasco. It’s a circus.”