Gordon Toot

That’s not “the real world”, you bizarre fusion of the dad from Roundhouse and every shockjock ever, it’s some internet dork ambushing people with a video of a miserable suicide. If you don’t know the difference then I can’t imagine what a nightmare your real world is.

“Joey Browner, Chris Doleman, John Randle, Randall McDaniel, Randy Moss (but not Cris Carter), and Miracle Year Randall Cunningham.”

Congratulations, internet people. You’re now capable of ruining okay food items like 1000x faster than you did with bacon. Hopefully in the future things that witty people tell you they like to eat can be annoying in less than an hour.

“I’ve never seen Conor McGregor fight. I don’t watch or care about MMA. That’s not a statement about, or condemnation of, McGregor or MMA; it speaks only to my own preferences and biases.”

And they always happen to the dirt-worst human beings imaginable. Congratulations on pulling through, animal-torturing stat-raping holier-than-thou egomaniac prick who beat up his dad for telling him to wear a helmet. Many years of being awful trash ahead of you, Matt.

Poor anyone who’s beholden to this shit. Thanks for somehow having a name that immediately disqualifies you from the conversation worse than me, though.

Great form by that homophobe that everyone here would hate under literally any other context.

I was absolutely not expecting “Yeah, I do.” as an answer. You got me there, man. Have a great life.

what do you think the step between being accused and serving his time was?

how many mma or boxing fights do you watch per year? in which ways is people noticing the things these people are openly doing proof of concept for a trump presidency?

Yes, shouting a nonsense exaggeration is almost as good as a counterpoint.

“The Root” doesn’t think one thing. It’s comprised of lots of people, some of whom apparently don’t know how to toe the editorial line.

Was that dude’s quote saying they hoped Mayweather literally killed McGregor fabricated? Because that feels like a pretty strong endorsement of one of the fighters.

And she was stupidly wrong, because turd 2 is the one serially beating up his girlfriends and turd 1 is the one saying bad words in pre-fight promos.

Exactly which marks were hoping for a legit fight?

It’s accomplishing exactly what it aims to and will continue to.

This dumbshit comment definitely makes me think Emma leaving is going to make this site somehow worse.

Thanks for the blow by blow on the mean words these pro wrestling heels are saying to each other. You dipshits are doing the Lord’s work.

You believe handjobs are weirder than murder.

That anyone on the planet still regards Moolah with dignity upsets me a lot, and I hope more articles like this paint her as the worthless piece of garbage she was. She set women’s wrestling back decades and ruined dozens of careers.