Gordon Toot

This article reeks of your advertising department exercising unconscionable control over editorial. Auto-play video is a cancer to the internet and ANY step to stamp it out is a welcome one. I don’t give a shit about any other opinion, particularly not bought and paid for FUD like this.

Read: Gizmodo Media Group will have to pick a different, less fucking annoying advertising strategy.

This is a sincere question and maybe there’s an answer I’m not seeing, but Jones knows he’s going to be tested, right? I mean, I know he’s not exactly a Neil deGrasse Tyson or anything, but what the hell does he think is going to happen? How does he think he’s going to get away with it? It baffles me.

*Sound Engineer who Didn’t bleep that speaking with HR*

Layoffs? Don’t talk about—layoffs?! You kidding me? Layoffs?! Just because I said SHIT?” 

What a nonsensical loudmouth. That guy who interrupted him seems like a jerk too.

Uh, no, that’s not what happened. Mayweather was making lunging jabs and ran McGregor down multiple times. This was not the elusive master boxer we are all used to. I honestly can’t remember when he last fought like that.


It was dumb. It was predictable. It was clearly won by Mayweather.

I remember when his clutch contested catches from an inaccurate quarterback got the team to the Super Bowl, which they won, and then was forgotten while everyone tried to debate if that wonderbread and mayo sandwich quarterback was elite or not. Vicious.

This is way off base and as an engineer who is obsessed with efficiency, Disney and ABC were definitely in the wrong and deserved to pay up.

He’ll never throw another pass in the NFL if I have anything to say about it!

There’s nothing anyone can say about the city of Philadelphia that Bill Burr didn’t cover in his infamous 12 minute attack on a philly audience.

Carroll initially attempted to downplay the incident, saying flying attacks are commonly overblown in the media.

How did Dr. Disrespect get unbanned? I never saw an update on that.

This is hilarious and I have no sympathy for these streamers. SUX2BU DOC.

Agreed. Since when did the playing of the game revolve around people streaming it? It’s meant to be played and enjoyed first and foremost, right? It’s a game, last time I checked :)

Streamers have to relax with this game, they are sort of ruining the game now with anyone killing them blaming it strea snipers etc

^^^^^ I wish I could get that effing video out of my head. A coworker ambushed me with that many years ago.

If you’re going to post a video of someone dying, at least warn people. This isn’t /r/watchpeopledie.