One could argue that if you improve the power to weight ration one is effectively adding lightness :P.
One could argue that if you improve the power to weight ration one is effectively adding lightness :P.
You’ve been working on jalops and your hand isn’t immune to fire yet? lol
This past weekend, I found myself at a small gas station in San Antonio, Texas helping a random guy fix his junky,…
Good eye for detail, the car was unfinished in these photos and still in a white primer. Little details like this have since been taken care of!
Is this what love feels like? I think I’m in love.
Here at Jalopnik, we love seeing some really crazy builds. Cars are largely very boring these days, so anything that…
Here’s an idea, don’t mail license plates... boom, money saved. We in Ontario manage to live our lives without plates being mailed (and I assume many states are the same)
So, who wants to lay odds on the amount of time before someone hacks* the DMV and changes every license plate in the state of California to “PENIS”?
lol i doubt anyone gives a flying fuck about your dumbass whitelist
Bias is not binary, and it’s not all equal. Don’t paint a false equivalence for all news media. That’s how we got into this shit in the first place.
Even better both were Jason articles!
No one forced you to click on it, my guy. Not being shoved anywhere.
The point is that Elon Musk either didn’t know he was dog whistling, in which case he’s severely lacking in his understanding of media history and context for someone who wants to criticize the industry, or he did know he was dog whistling. Either way it was very bad.
Seems like the Model 3 isn’t the only thing that doesn’t stop as fast as it should.
As for Jalopnik’s own ownership, our motivations are clear:
Tesla CEO Elon Musk is a billionaire. He has access to a private jet. It was a holiday weekend. Faced with similar…
I won’t dispute that the front end was done well. But for me it doesn’t “fit”.
CP <<===A=|=====>> NP
How does it respond if you don’t measure tire pressure with a digital gauge?