As a German-car enthusiast, the thought of all those incinerated BMWs and Mercedes makes me sad.
As a German-car enthusiast, the thought of all those incinerated BMWs and Mercedes makes me sad.
Here’s an idea. With all those new-fangled computers and whatnot how tough would it be to:
Oh man, I feel like watching rich assholes ride the bus would make for a great live webcam feed.
Ah, I know why!
I’m an airline pilot and I am also one of the few captains qualified to fly into the Hailey aka Ketchum aka Sun Valley airport. We routinely fly a lot of rich assholes up there. However because of the specific challenges of flying into a box canyon, the minimums for approaches can be quite high leading…
Seriously..get this dumbass out of office. With every thing he does he’s literally unraveling another thread of the republic. Like it’s universal stupidity that’s running the country right now.
Women fought in WW II.
This is established historical fact.
The delicate fee-fees of the armchair historians who’ve never cared to engage with the reality of the war beyond saying “I watched Band of Brothers five times” (and no insult to Band of Brothers; I own the Blu-Ray and DVD editions, it was that good) are not a…
“What I wouldn’t give to see Porsche give this recipe another shot.”
If you haven’t spent a lot of time in the city, you might not think that a lot of cars would turn up for a car show…
Well in the dealership’s defense, she was buying a Fiat. Good enough reason as any to check for a human brain.
I refuse to accept the “If you didn’t personally buy one, you have no room to complain” argument. That’s such a tired circlejerk bullshit argument here that happens every time we talk about a car we don’t get anymore or won’t ever have. If car companies all did what Ford is in the process of doing and only built cash…
Because they aren’t making cars any more, or hadn’t you heard?
It would be just like Trump to push the car way beyond his puny limits and smash it into a wall.
I’m not a huge fan, as I’m one of those folks who think of it as a “set it once and forget it” thing, and thus not worth the money.
Give me a manual recline, manual fore-aft slide, pump-style height adjustment and manual lumbar, and we’re good.
But I agree, it should be an option. I have electric seats in my $800 Jeep…
that started with souped-up cars made for evading the police
Nothing says American pride like an event with Confederate flags everywhere.
Jfc. Five acres of land for $25k? Where I live in Northern Virginia, $25k will buy you maybe five square feet.