
It’s kinda strange that you already forgot that you implied that the poster was rooting for trump. If you had, you might’ve realized that that’s what they were responding to.

Biden administration isn’t doing enough but is trying to stay within Constitutional powers =! Trump ignoring all constitutional powers to set himself up to never go to jail while enacting any dumb thing that comes to mind until he dies.

The corpse of Joe Biden is still a better POTUS than Trump if those are the two

Another Kylie article, another bad take.

I think it’s less conspiracy and more delusion: framing a pre-planned anniversary post like it was a reaction to the previous EMTALA articles is a way to validate her previous civics-illiteracy, and to imply that her take has real import in the world.

Look Jez, your Bernie is not running, enjoy trump.

This idiotic article is one for the record books.

The plan may have been announced on the anniversary of Roe, but it mentions the word abortion just once. If anything, instead of commemorating this anniversary, the announcement seems to be damage control for the news from Friday.

No, it really doesn’t. It seems like an announcement that has long been planned to

When asked for a response they replied

“Dude says stuff.”

I just checked a different analyst and he said it could cost 500 dollars and the games could each cost the first peach of summer.

Netflix does it promoting their own content and the expensive titles they license

I’m just relieved that I have a PC, but it still feels pretty shitty to lock a popular non-gaming IP behind one console ecosystem.

Just play them when they come out on PC.

Sony: Hey FTC MS making CoD and other games exclusives are bad for business

Yay, more exclusives! Now I’ll be forced to continue to buy a piece of hardware I use maybe three times a year, awesome!

Quick! Someone call the FTC! Oh wait, they’re in Sony’s bed. Seriously, exclusives are awful, closed and, frankly, financially stupid. I wish we could bury this practice across all platforms.

At the obvious talking points on the next GTA release have been milked over the last few years. They’ve already scraped the barrel dry.

I dont know.  My Wife has replayed it and loves it.  I actually havent bother to replay a single 3d mario game.  I go back and play the original zelda every few years, and slightly less often LTTP (mostly because the original you can beat fairly shortly).

c’mon this is classic videogame news fun.

Don’t. 👏 Pay. 👏 For $#!&. 👏You. 👏 Don’t. 👏 Need.