Great Wall of my Favorite Thing

I'd say that OPI challenge worked out for the Packers. They didn't get that call, but a few plays later Taylor Gabriel did get flagged for it and a 50 yard reception got called back. After the review the refs were more aware of Gabriel possibly committing that foul, and they got it. 

Yeah, I also wondered why a non-political flag representing a geographical region heads up an article about the ban on a completely different flag. 

Lol... Foster was there in the last round of a very deep league. I was tempted since Robert Frost was off the board. I took the ghost of Frank Gore.

No worries. I have a fantasy draft tonight, and have Robert Frost's ghost ranked ahead of Foster. 

Meh, he's a better poet than WR. Robert Foster, on the other hand could be good if he takes the right road. It's the one not taken that could derail his young career. 

You had me at Miike. I'll watch anything from him. If you want to see some of his more comedic films, I suggest Happiness of the Katikuris (a remake of a remake but the best of the three), and the amazing Yakuza Apocalypse. 

Now playing

King’s best and weirdest cameo: George Romero’s Knightriders from 1981. It’s a bonkers retelling of Arthurian legend starring Ed Harris and Tom Savini. King and his wife Tabitha are in the crowd during one of the motorcycle joust scenes. He’s not in the trailer, but you should watch it anyway.

While McCoy is likely the number 2 back in KC now, Thompson had already passed Hyde on the depth chart. Won't be surprised if he passes up Shady as well. Hyde probably would have been cut if he wasn't traded. 

He speaks of the pompatus of sexual assault... 

Vincent is playing! 2/5 for 23 yards and 1 int. A stat line worthy of his pedigree. 

I'm hearing Kenyon Drake as trade bait for Clowney. Kinda makes sense after Lamar Miller went down. 

I wonder how many people think you are joking. Granted it's his son Vincent "don't call me Vinnie" Testeverde, but he is indeed on TB's roster. 

What does Dallas have against LeBron?

Maybe if you barf right away. If it sits in stomach acid for a while it curdles. You are then puking sour cheese curds and it's the worst. 

What about milk? Goes in liquid, comes out cottage cheese. The texture is enough to make you want to barf again while you are still barfing. 

I'm in the Seattle area and don't see any local connection to Dragons. Steelhead would have been good, or if they wanted cheesy and trendy, Kraken. Roughnecks is the only one I can figure as having a local connotation. Maybe they're planning ahead with the generic names for when half the teams change cities after the

This is actually how I see this as useful. Beach it to sleep and launch it to fish. Of course I could get a boat and a tent for less money, but it would be one less thing to pack. 

Thats what my father called it when teaching me in the 70's, had no idea it wasn't still called that. 

Do you live in my head? I've been saying Layer Cake got Craig the Bond role for years. Great movie. It ranks up there with The Flowers of War as a lesser known classic.