Great Wall of my Favorite Thing
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You know what works better? This works better:

Vedvik could take both jobs, he had two 50+ yard punts as well as the four field goals in the game. 

I’m in WA, and have voted for him. He’s done some good shit here. I don’t take him seriously as a presidential candidate. He’s getting his message out on the best stage available, making it a key issue, and aiming for an appointment.

I noticed in episode 2. The voice seemed familiar, then he did the little smile/grimace thing Hood was always doing and that was it. 

It would be awesome if my local barcade got KQ, but they'd probably have to expand just to fit it in. They do have 4 player battle pac man, which is pretty fun. 

In downtown Bremerton, a smallish city across the pond from Seattle, we have a regular arcade, a barcade, and a VR lounge all within a few blocks of each other. The downtown microbreweries have regular pinball tournaments as well, and all have opened in the last few years.

Haven't seen a weigh in in a while and thought the tube curtain and hands up instruction was in response to the Cormier towel controversy. Do they just use the curtain for the women? Seems like a better option for everyone. 

One of the better movies based on Stark/Westlake's Parker books. 

Came here to mention Cannibal Holocaust. The details are hazy in my head, but I think they put the actors in hiding after filming so people would believe the story. I also think the filmmaker was accused of making a snuff film until the actors emerged. Like I said, hazy but that's the gist of it. 

This warms my heart. 

I'm just glad they included a link to the mask at the Burke Museum. That thing is badass. 

Counterpoint: Knowing that you are getting paid to drink beer you didn't have to buy is awesome. My coworkers aren't assholes though, and they like beer. We also print for a lot of local breweries, so there's usually something good around. If not, our next door neighbor is a beer store/tap room with 40 taps and a wall

Sometimes you're the nail. 

From wiki:

The solution to the punter question was found years ago by the Dallas Cowboys. Danny White. He was the starting QB and the punter. He just stayed on the field. Teams had to respect the fake more, which helped his punting. He could read the defense from the shotgun and either go for it or pooch punt. It seemed like the

Am I the only one who thinks that video is awesome? It makes me want to go to a Greek basketball game. 

A friend of mine once gave me some mushrooms he had in his freezer for 10 years. They sat in my freezer for another 3. When I finally chowed them down they were quite useful. 

Is Hell hiring? 

Drove from NJ to Seattle in 1989 in a Suburban pulling a trailer with all our crap in it. We brought a CB radio and talked to truckers at truck stops. They clued us in on traffic, alternate routes, the best mountain passes, even the best places for repairs. We had an atlas and camping gear. It was easy to navigate and