They could make it 5 on 5 and put some tires in a shoddy ring.
Miami it is. Not a bad deal for Rosen. It's an upgrade from AZ.
To be fair, I also thought they would trade Rosen to the Giants. Interested to see where he goes. Miami?
I called this in a comment section months ago and some dude said I was crazy.
Angry bunnies are not to be trifled with.
Sadly, I think he has.
I've heard rumors about BJ being an entitled jerk and coke head for years, so not surprised. It also fits in with how he coasted on talent alone and got passed up by fighters who work to improve. I also remember the previous sexual assault allegation that just sort of disappeared.
Montgomery Ward catalog, underwear section.
I find it suspicious that both of these have exactly 69 likes and 69 retweets.
Walla Walla Sweets are the best onions. So good there's a baseball team named for them.
I’ve been going with Amateur As Fuck. I’ll admit to watching a couple games and parts of a couple more. You’re right about the marketing, the only ads I’ve seen for it are while watching it. If I’m home and bored on Sunday and not in the mood for a movie I might check to see if a game is on.
Hell, I use something similar with adults. "Are you paying my mortgage? No? Then I don't give a fuck about opinion. Pound salt."
He’s still wondering.
It actually has been made, but it’s not quite what you think it is.
Fuck that bald cocksucker right in the eye socket.
At least we still have ramen.
I use fixable to see what's new and search by genre. Much easier for me.
My take away from this has nothing to do with the GOP, and very little to do with the Middle East. What has me hopeful is an apparent paradigm shift inside the Democratic Party. Old school moderates were going to follow the pattern of chastising Omar to distance themselves from perceived anti-semitism, thus…