Great Wall of my Favorite Thing

Nestle paid for the product placement. 

He'll stop soon. He's just working his way up to his jersey numbers. 17, 50, 77...80,81,82. Three more and he can retire. 

There can be only one.

Hell Baby is a cinematic masterpiece. 

When Steve Smith talks, people listen.

As do you. 

I ran track my sophomore year in HS. This was 1985. I was not fast, so had to run distance. I didn’t stick with it, but the coach used to send us on some decent runs after school. 6-8 miles to build entrance. As an outta shape kid who smoked pot, there’s no way I could be that slow. 

Yeah, 4 mph is a leisurely stroll for me. I am 6'2" so have a long stride, but at even a brisk walk or slight jog I’m gonna be faster. I’m also almost 50 and I drink and smoke too much. 

I guess height/stride length is a factor. I’m 6'2"... but still 14 mins is a leisurely stroll while smoking and doing hills. I’m not in horrible shape, but I turn 50 this year and I work on my feet all day.


Is a 14 minute mile running, or a brisk walk? I walk to and from work. It’s .8 of a mile each way with hills. I'm not moving all that fast and smoke a cigarette along the way and that's about my pace. 

What I really want is a new Bigfoot and Wildboy, but that's probably too much to ask for. 

Everyone knows the cat is really in charge. The dog is front and center for appearances, but the cat is pulling the strings.

I used to watch The Banana Splits, and I'm on board with this idea. It's got to be better than what they did to Land of the Lost. 

That was already about drugs. 

Both is my take. The uppercut did land, and put Cain in position for his knee to buckle. There’s also a little shove in there that pushed him awkwardly when the knee was vulnerable. Yes, the knee buckled, but Ngannou caused it with a legal punch.


I got my hands on a slightly under inflated basketball. It only bounced up about 3 feet when dropped from six. The underinflation means quite a bit, but using only my right arm for resistance I could dent the ball further with three fingers and hold it there as long as I like.

Looking at the picture it seems like he has his other arm underneath pushing up, and the ball is cradled against the other player who is also providing resistance. It’s basically the equivalent of me placing a ball on a table and pushing down with four fingers.

Seems impressive, but not excessively so. I can generate that kind of psi with my hands. In fact I do often.