Great Wall of my Favorite Thing
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The Hogs were great, but this OL would have been unstoppable.

Nathan Peterman is the quarterback they deserve. 

What's your sign? 

This part is gold.

Upon further review, I think Willie Gault is still faster than anyone on the Raiders.

Willie Gault would like a word. 

Thunderdome! Two Bowlens enter, one Bowlen leaves.

Send them to Mexico City for next season, then build the wall so they can't get back. 

This seems more like Drew's normal state. 

More like the Mick Foley School of Motivational Speaking. Bang bang!!! 

Came here for a Goldilocks joke. Not dissapointed. 

Just put Speedy the Geoduck from Evergreen College on skates and we’re in business.

Will it be next season or the year after? 

Time for Mike to pack his khahis. 

Won't the use of props get you a 15 yard penalty? 

Follow the money. Hue was paid more for Sunday’s game by Cleveland than Cincinnati. Who’s he really working for?

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Well, this is 6 years ago, and they blamed it on NyQuil... but yeah.

Im going to assume you've been there done that. 

It's not important. It's a car. 
