
There’s one really good, foolproof way to ensure that strangers don’t overfeed your cat with inappropriate food.

Natalie Portman was 18 in 1999 when he claims the brief romance happened.

Yet somehow the predatory behavior didn’t become an issue for her until he started promoted a competing vitamin brand. He has enough of a history that she surely had some idea he was sexually harassing men and she never publicly addressed it. Clearly it was a secondary concern to her compared to her potential gummy

According to my wife who follows this stuff, the problem wasn’t necessarily that Charles promoted the other brand, it was that Charles refused to promote Tati’s brand because “I don’t want to market supplements to my teen audience” - a moral stance - and then went ahead with another sponsor and marketed that stuff to

If you’re Cersei, what’s the downside to just eliminating them all in front of the gates? The lone dragon is grounded, the fleet was smashed by Euron, and the remainder of the Northern army can’t possibly mount an effective siege with its numbers. The Iron Fleet would be free to sail north and sack White Harbor and

She isn’t doing that. Cersei is. 

God. This fucking show. So now Dany’s closest advisors are plotting against her to put Jon fucking Snow on the throne? Really? This guy? The guy who keeps failing upwards and keeps being given titles he doesn’t deserve and doesn’t even want? Meanwhile, we’re supposed to now hate Dany, who went from rape victim and

Ah yes, Chekhov’s iron Islands, I didn’t consider that. Also, regarding next season, you might want to sit down for what I’m about to tell you...

Even the line was what I was expecting, though I thought it would be “your brother and your friend whose family I burned to death.”

Well Brianne might not get together with with Jaime or Tormund, but damn if seeing her knighted wasn’t one of the most uplifting moments in the show’s history.

I told you that Dany would be far more concerned about being usurped than incest.

Did you read the article? He’s also going after women who don’t even post about porn, but have been in porn previously.

This hit super close to home for me. Someone that I do community organizing with for a sex workers’ organization (and who I consider a friend and comrade) just had their account reported and taken down by this same asshole. She lost upwards of 20k followers and with it basically all of her marketing reach. Most sex

After Season 7 ends, do the one-week free trial with HBO Now and BINGE THE ENTIRE THING.  Seriously.  It is amazing.

God dammit I fucking love this show.

when rich people hear that we want everyone to get equal access to healthcare, they naturally assume that means they’ll have to suffer the way we do, because they know that their extreme wealth depends fundamentally on our poverty

Of course, they never, ever talk with any actual autistic people. To them, if we don’t come out normal and perfect, we are ruined.

You really should add gifs when you post something like that.

I still can’t but feel some sympathy for these young people. Yes they are wrong and they don’t know any better but it seems they are going to pay a price for this. Just look at the headline of this story. I can’t help but feel like a mob is going to run right over these kids. I know the other side of the story but you

All I have to say to this Olivia Jade girl is “Ya basic”! I don’t even really know what that means, but it cracks me up every time I hear it on The Good Place.