
I was talking with a friend a few nights ago who is a huge Buffy fan, and she is a little out of the pop culture loop, so she didn’t know about all of this happening last week. I filled her in, and I was worried that she was going to knee jerk defend him, but she totally sympathized with the actors, and said she

You might not have been a Louis CK fan, but he was a darling in the comedy world. Louie paved the way for other comedians to get shows they they could write themselves and have creative control over. Other comedians started to look for the “Louie” deal. Atlanta, Baskets, One Mississippi, Master of None, Maron, other

I agree that she has a weird way of writing, but writing isn’t her job, and it’s messed up to focus on that and not the very serious subject matter. Jaysus, what a bad take.

Was he there last year? I don’t remember that. I got a little too high last night and Olaf scared the crap out of me, and then my dishwasher made the same knocking noise it always does at a certain point in the cycle and I thought someone was trying to break into my house. At that point I took a melatonin and put

I too hope and pray for long-term impacts to these evil dipshits.

I think it’s possible that she has had real struggles in her life, and has overcome a lot and done a lot for the LGBTQ community, while also being a generally unpleasant person. I also wonder if she felt so burned by Hollywood’s rejection of her after her coming out that she it has impacted how she treats people, but

Yeah, were expecting her to start every song with I’M BLACK BITCH a la Britney? She never hid it, and I’m not sure how she could have been more obvious about it.

I wouldn’t do that, as tempting as it is. I think any comments give her engagements and more money.

Dude, I get non-stop advertisements on YouTube for his sister’s YouTube channel, where she bills herself as a conservative influencer. I keep telling YouTube to stop showing me her ads, but she must be paying good money to keep them in my feed. I know I shouldn’t hate conservative women more than I hate conservative

There is kind of a competition element, in a weird way. The guests vs the crew, or the crew trying to not get fired, basically.

Kate isn’t all rainbows and sunshine, and for some people that means she’s a bitch. I like that she’s hard working, competent, and straight forward with her co-workers. Hannah is a different story, and she has been very clear that yachting is not her passion and she’s only in it for the money, so I’m happy that she

I think Below Deck has a winning formula, as described in the article. While the Real Housewives of everywhere will have to eventually cope with an aging cast that loves the smell of their own farts so much it has become unwatchable for some installments, the revolving door of the cast for this show keeps it fresh

When Tati was describing her interactions with JS and SD, I don’t think she thought about how crazy she was making herself out to be. She described Shane pledging his undying loyalty to her in this life and the next like 5 minutes after meeting her...and she believed him. She shared intimate personal details with him

JS is evil, that has been established. Tati in her “peace” shirt crying for the camera is trying to come off as an innocent, manipulated victim. She made her most recent video thinking it would vindicate her, instead it only confirmed to me that she’s almost as bad as JS. Almost. He’s an all out racist, she just

She has quit, I think. She is currently pregnant, which she has been loud and clear that her goal was to make money until she settles down and has kids.

She has been independent for a long time. She talked to BA about leaving and continuing her series through a contract, there was really no discernible break between her being a BA employee and an IC in terms of the Gourmet Makes schedule. At this point BA is putting out NO new videos. They know that it would look bad

Hunzi seems ready to leave as well, I’m sure he would head out with the group.

I meant they should split with BA and form their own brand together.

She left BA a while ago, but she has been an independent contractor with them. She has requested that they use none of the footage they have of her in new videos, and I believe she has the power to enforce that as an independent contractor, whereas someone still employed by BA might not. However, BA would really be

Most zoos are not capable of supporting this level of conservation work. I work closely with the zoo community, and most zoos cannot contribute to conservation because they’re desperately trying to pay their staff and keep the animals fed. They have nothing leftover to give. There are a handful of zoos that are able