
I don’t know about Whedon fans as a demographic but there are definitely people defending his bullshit. One guy on a forum I frequent has gone so far as to make it that Charisma Carpenter was wrong for getting pregnant because it made it so very difficult for everyone working on Angel. You know, because a TV actor

Joss must have been a real monster. There is no excuse for this behavior and it saddens me that some of the characters that I grew up with and love, were fighting monsters both on screen and on set.

Maybe, we’ll see. The “best” thing for him to do is quietly slink away & live off the money he’s already made. If he goes full Louis C.K. it would be more appropriate, though.

So your main takeaway from her post is that she writes funny, not that there was some (at the least) creepy shit going on that they had to make a rule like that in the first place? She was like 14 years old.

Yea, this statement confused me. This is the reckoning. Right now. We’re watching it unfold in real time. I don’t see Whedon fans lining up to defend him, if anything we (yes, I was one) feel incredibly betrayed and grossed out by all this. The only question now is how much worse can it get, given Trachtenberg’s

Self-induced stress, though. If they’d be happy to be “wealthy” instead of “fabulously wealthy”, they probably wouldn’t be in this mess.

Thank you! I find it stupid when it involves a cheating partner, the blame is more focused on the person that “stole” them. Two people were involved in the affair and (in most cases) knew what they were doing. Your partner wasn’t stolen, he/she/they cheated on you!

I see your point, but it’s kind of splitting hairs. And emotions are more intimate than sex a lot of the time.

The beehives were on the synagogue’s property. They were on the correct side of a fence that abutted these Qidiots. They destroyed them because THE BEES flew on to their property...

This is entirely OT and my apologies for it but I can’t hold it in.

Fuck that. She doesn't deserve that kind of escape.

This is the first time Melania has been positive around Trump in a long long time.

He was around mike pence recently without a mask so best case scenario they both get it, croak and new president Nancy Pelosi yanks the Barrett nomination

Those autoplay videos are SO distracting! I would have to hit pause on them or try and trick the the video so it got stuck so I could actually read the article. The sad part is, they’re not even ads - they’re just videos of more Jezebel content that I now want absolutely nothing to do with because it has caused an

I complained a few months ago about how the ads fuck with my “reading rhythm”. I scroll past the ads to a new paragraph, then I’m all, “where was I?”. And don’t get me started on the fucking videos that compete with the article and pull focus.  

I don’t think it does anything to normalize these hair styles when worn by black people. It only provides cover for the bans against such hair styles that folks impose intending to target black folks. If they can say “oh no it wasn’t racial. See? Adele wore them.” They use that as an excuse because they’re definitely

Thank you so much for posting that clip. It’s my go-to when people try to cast her as some kind of victim. She’s not - she’s his co-conspirator.

That’s what I see in this clip too, but there are several others where she’s obviously swatting his hand away or keeping her fingers clenched against his attempts to hold her hand.

So funny, me too! It’s almost every day! “Hello, beautiful ladies.” Ugh

Why do you think Kate is a straight-up bitch? She doesn’t suffer fools or take anyone’s shit, and I don’t think her style of leadership (which frequently involves correcting insanely immature young people with no work ethic) would be at all questioned if she was a dude.