He saw his shadow.
He saw his shadow.
Common misconception... I'm not actually directing the movie, just producing it.
You got me!
I prefer the blurry Leonardo image from the upcoming movie, actually. I thought it was pretty awesome. And that Shredder image? Sweet!
Disney is the best thing to happen to Star Wars in 30 years. You think those new prequels were "mature"? Jar Jar Binks? Friggin' kiddie pod race? Mark my words, Disney is the best thing to happen to Star Wars in 30 years.
Yeah... but they still don't have 3D Doritos. I truly miss one of the greatest snacks of all time. I don't care that it tore apart my mouth. They were so delicious that it just didn't matter!!!
Damn. In a second.
I was thinking the same thing, actually.
Stop da hatin'. You know you be jealous!!!
I'm pretty proud of my selfie. It's not as elaborate as those gems, but it certainly does have heart.
But then where am I going to plug-in my network adapter? Anyone else have KILLER Kirby's Air Ride LAN parties? No one? Oh, right, nobody did that....
Definitely reminds me of Gunstar Heroes. Looks awesome - I'd love to play it!
I actually agree. I live Video Games and I love Disney but I felt that the movie was lacking the proper mix of video game references and heart. I "liked" it in the sense of the word but was ultimately disappointed.
I had cereal this morning.
I don't agree or disagree that this is a sport. But here's my argument for it... bowling is considered a sport? Come on.
I'm still mad she didn't message me back...
I'm still undecided PS4 vs. XBONE, but I do know that whichever I decide to go with, the older model will be downgraded to the "classics" area in the basement. That's where I still have Dreamcast, SNES, N64, and the Wii hooked up. Yes, the Wii is a classic.
They already made a movie series from this game, it's called "Indiana Jones". Ever hear of it?
You wanna know what's really bad? I replaced my original Xbox model 5 times. That's bad. I eventually purchased the 360S and it was fine after that. But... yeah... 5 times. That sucked. That's when I got a PS3. PS3 = Great Exclusives, Dog Shit For Online Play.