Wow - That Dexter Box set is REALLY cool looking. Too bad the show sucked horse balls after Season 4.
Wow - That Dexter Box set is REALLY cool looking. Too bad the show sucked horse balls after Season 4.
Amazing. Truly amazing.
You should probably read the article before you post stuff. K thanks bi
This is the first time they put it up for free.
I love my Aqua Blue 3DS. However... I will have to upgrade to this as soon as I'm not piss poor.
I also have never once seen someone with a Vita in public or out of anyone I know. It's been out long enough to at least see it ONCE in public. Hell, I'm tempted to get a PSP again ($79.99 brand new? DEAL!) before getting a Vita. Is that wrong?
I'll take it!
Cool! Looks exactly what I would want in a controller for my iPhone. However, the only time I have ever wanted that was when I'm playing Street Fighter 4. But then I just go and play it on the PS3 and I'm much happier and satisfied.
I think this kind of defines where the Wii U's role in the market lies. I think the Wii U is going to be just fine for what it is. It's not a "Next Gen" console and it doesn't appear that it wants to be. I don't think the decision for real gamers was ever "Hmm... Wii, Xbox 360, or PS3...", I think the decision was…
That ruled.
You know what happens when a toad gets struck by lightning?
Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Indie City
As a full time parent with a very demanding job, the idea of a 10-15 hour JRPG that looks THIS beautiful is absolutely awesome. I'm sold.
Infinite-Ly better than Xbone.
Am I the only person to realize that there are things there that weren't in the original Mario Paint (like ghosts, and coins, and pirhana plants). Where the hell did those come from?
Excellent article! This needs to be communicated more to the United States. Streetpass is easily one of the coolest video game features of our time. I get daily satisfaction and fun out of Streetpass - Mainly because I'm guaranteed at least 1 Streetpass/day thanks to my daughter having a 3DS. Going out and coming…
Facts about the 2DS:
1) 5-year-olds won't give a flying $%^# that it doesn't have 3D
Still doesn't make me want to jump out of my seat to buy a Gamecube Advance.