
“Enjoy” means that I understood them, not just that I was entertained by them.

You’re not moving in with the authors, but reading a novel is a bigger investment of time and mental energy than picking something at random off Netflix. I’ve always been very curious about the political views of the novelists I read, because books don’t get written in a vacuum, and they don’t get read in one either.

I stand by what I said

Alexa, play (whatever song)

The main use for Alexa in my house is

“Choice driven." Sure. 

Why does Alexa have to make money? No, seriously, why?

Bitcoin has been the best performing asset for 14 years straight. Not sure if you’ve ever looked at a single chart but uh, it’s done nothing but provide a return. There is also no options chain in the U.S. so there’s no actual gambling taking place (yet). But agree to disagree I suppose. However, if you would like to

Buying into an asset with a market cap (w/o institutional funding(!)) that has been available for 14 years+, currently sitting at $866,266,963,425 is called investing. Options, leverage....that is gambling.

To add to this:

Musk is such a petty piece of shit. He has the brain of a 10-year-old.

// ***I think Bob shouldn’t have ever pulled advertising. That was silly.

it was Jiggle Billy that said it you uncultured swine /sarcasm

Or they could ban them entirely and let an actual doctor decide what prescription drugs are best for an individual.

My favorite is when they say “Don’t take Zyresca if you are allergic to it.”  I’m glad this change is taking place though, as drug ads have always been so absurd to me in the first place.

Actually these are quite helpful for getting started. You dont have to read them, just move along.

I think LGBTQ kids like hearing about others being open with their sexuality.  It makes them feel normal and lets them know there’s a place for them in this world.  Unfortunately, that’s a thing that’s still necessary.

The boss mist oversized sweater looks cool, but Elden Ring, like many FromSoft titles, is first and foremost a fashion simulator and they missed the opportunity for some really sick pieces.