
They were sold at a loss, per unit, from what I understand

It is likely more the fact that these platforms are so quick to add AI functionality without proper testing, which makes them look bad. I am beginning to think you do not understand economics *or* "hand wringing."

Either you are being willfully obtuse, or do not understand that the actual “user” for social media platforms are advertisers, not the "end user," who functions as a free, or relatively low cost, content farm. When companies realize that a platform is putting their ads next to some real weird and objectionable stuff,

You commented early. Most of the “angry” opinions are about “lazy devs making bad games, grrr.”

Do you think Activision-Blizzard, EA, Ubisooft or Square-Enix don't “have the resources Larian had”?

Thank you. "No" was the most correct answer to that query.

It is an auto-reply that began after Musk eliminated Twitter's press department. For months, all press inquiries have returned the same...

You are making a lot of uncited assumptions about the nature of non-male gamers. I know as many female "hardcore" gamers (myself included) as male, but that is, perhaps, biased due to the fact that I know a diverse group of people.

South Park is just right-Libertarian propaganda that argues that “nothing should be fixed, because that amounts to telling others what to do.” It is not any deeper than that.

Granted I am an educator, but I have been gobsmacked by the number of people on here that had never heard of the bonobo before today! Of the great apes, I would assume only gorillas and chimpanzees are more well known.

LOOGI, an ad hoc alliance of logistics mains

The class in question was middle school, which intensifies your point.

Yes, but you *know* what more people think of when they hear that word.

Spoken like a real non-gamer. D&D always carved out space to express feelings of religious and racial superiority that is only beginning to remedied in the last year or so. The idea that some races and religions consist of good aligned beings and others consist of evil-aligned beings was baked into D&D from a very