
It’s, you know, your companion, it can be at your house, it can sort of babysit your kids, it could teach them

I mean, so far he has yet to “catch up” to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costumes Jim Henson Studios designed for the 1990 film.

He can just say anything he wants, with nothing to back it up, and outlets will report on it, with most reporting credulously as if he’s not known for making bullshit predictions for all his products. He’s predicted that we’d have all kinds of stuff ten years ago that’s still no closer to reality than it was when he

Meanwhile, the Tesla stock keeps falling. 

A robot that parents as well as Elon is not a very lofty goal.

who believes anything this snake oil salesman says

How long till Musk and his cohorts just decide that slavery is better done with humans then with machines for the time being.. They are already assigning a value to the work, so they know that part.. now just finding the labor..

Musk’s Otonomous RObotic Nursemaid.

Another day, another bullshit prediction from the world’s richest con-man that won’t come true.

You can’t live off $40k a year? You might want to spend a little less on your swag. And no one stays a CNA or EMT for life. Healthcare is incredibly upwardly mobile. There are generous tuition reimbursements and larger systems often have their own in-house technical schools/training programs. If you don’t move up once

Dreamlight Valley is such a weird game. I had fun backwhen I played it. It was something weirdly charming about helping wall-e build a house, then convince Ursula to give Eric turned scrotum back to Ariel, cook with a rat and then throw a love curse on Anna from Frozen. All in a day. And then Scar moves in...

If this is done well it could be amazing. I love the Forgotten Realms, and a surival/life sim set in it could be a fantastic way to relax. Fingers crossed they do it justice.

*Cracks knuckle*

All rape is (also) psychological abuse. I don't see your point. There is no good rape.

It’s wild how the person you’re responding to doesn’t understand that “but it’s okay because they DESERVE it” is exactly what rape apologists believe. They just draw the line at who “deserves it” differently.

There’s a pretty common attitude that all manner of atrocities - murder, torture, rape, even war and genocide - are fine as long as they happen to the “deserving”.

Look, we can talk about the death penalty. But there is no “rape penalty” - and there shouldn’t be. There shouldn’t be, because it then normalizes rape, a thing which is not normal and has no justification ever. I understand the hate and revulsion, I feel it myself. But this narrative of “haha, you’ll go to jail and

Rape is rape. There is no good rape and bad rape. It is all bad. Rape is not a tool of reformation or an instrument of revenge. We are not Tate.

how could that possibly be done ‘instantly’?