
This muffin issue is a problem with all competitors to the classic McMuffin. They try really hard to be a more substantial, possibly higher quality muffin that isn’t too crispy and doesn’t have any burnt edges. And that is why they fail.

That’s great, sounds like it’s good when you’re limiting it to summaries and scripts where the information is very black and white. I’m sure the more thorough your prompts are, the better the results.

Why is this a problem? If you want to only play the game with your friends, drop in drop out isnt going to prevent that

You seem to be missing my point. Dude is implying that that 30M was somehow squandered without noting that that money was made when Mr. Oher was under a conservatorship. Which means he wasn’t likely in control of that money so this is not a story about an NFL player going broke due to bad (or most likely nonexistent)

Thank you. The implicit bias on these comments is so evident. It is coming from some that just relish in talking “ish”. In the 21st century that amount of money after, lawyers, agents and all other nothing compared to the consequences of having your body punished every weekend. So much talk. Some missing

You clicked, you commented, Kotaku won. I clicked, I commented, Kotaku won.

LMG is more than just YT drama. They have real pull in the tech industry. 

There’s bound to be drama where content creators are involved but the combination of crunch/other anti-labor behavior, glaring conflicts of interest, and data inaccuracy from a $100 million company makes this newsworthy. And even if none of that other stuff had happened there’s still the sexual harassment allegations.

These channels and websites dictate tens of millions and collectively hundreds of millions of dollars of hardware spending a year. So lots of people care. When someone goes out to build a new gaming PC, they look at benchmarks generated by these types of people. It doesnt matter if you are a veteran or a noob, you

The irrational/asking for too much part stems from developers being attacked and criticised as greedy or lazy for things outside their control.

stuff like Anthem and Bioware’s insistence to use Frostbite, is it’s own damn fault. So sometimes developers are just culpable if not more so than the execs

No. You are either capable of using Google and finding several arguments in favor of the game OR you can acknowledge that it’s not for you and move along.

this game is nothing like diablo and neither it nor diablo are anything like lara croft.

> Maybe if I play it I’ll understand the hype? I like soulslike games, open world action adventure, third person and platforms. Help me understand the hype.

its a D&D game based on the 5th edition rules. it plays like D&D. its D&D

I watched that IGN video and it had some angry video gamer mojo. Seeing we seem to have just passed the early 00's in retro-culturs, we’re probably in for a revival of those shenanigans.

Don’t get mad at developers for doing their job.

Customers pitting themselves against workers—a capitalism specialty

At least for my part, I’ve in the past used Baldur’s Gate 3 to argue against people who’ve defended certain monetization models. Say I point out that it’s ridiculous for a game to both cost $70 and charge for microtransactions, I’ve seen responses like saying that’s how much games cost and that they need to charge all

yeah but everyone knows that the CEOs and shareholders deserve those big bonuses.  they’ve worked hard all their lives to...erm...reasons. /s

They don't want to work on another this big for a while. Apparently, they want to take a break and do a much smaller project.

My favourite take on any of this is always ‘the devs are greedy shits’ as if they can control the state of the projects they work on to any impactful degree past the ticket of work they’ve got to slave over for that particular missed tea with their loved ones this weekend.