
Reading Ms. Sweetin’s comment above I have to conclude she’s a put-your-money-where-your-mouth-is kind of person. I applaud her commitment to diversity.

Jodie Sweetin has just the right sort of talent and charisma to star in cable Christmas movies

Toshinden 3 is still one of the wildest 3D fighting games.

Now give me updated versions of battle arena toshinden and einhander you cowards.

Which is why copyright should not be 75+ years.

In addition to his opinion being hateful, he’s also got his facts deliriously wrong. “I come from an era where a man was a man and a woman was a woman”?

That’s all the bigots are mad about, that their public bigotry is now getting pushback. Eddie Murphy can acknowledge today that his homophobic jokes in Raw were ignorant, but people like Ne-Yo don’t want to evolve beyond the attitudes they learned as kids.

He “comes from an era”? A Google search says he’s 43; I’m 46, came from the same era apparently, and I don’t have a problem with trans people whatsoever. Must just be a cheap excuse for not liking trans people, I guess.

Dubs vs Subs has always been ableist gatekeeping bullshit but I feel like there was more of a point to it a few decades ago. These days the dub casts are amazing and really well done.  There is serious work done to translate not just the words but the intent and to get it to fit into the time steps of the Japanese. 

I don’t ever want to hear from her, she willingly signed up to work for Elon Musk

The most hit-or-miss show of all time. When it hits, it is so hilarious.  When it misses, it’s just awful.

We are we going to realize that the money was what these guys were always about and nothing more. People connected to them because they were smart enough to capitalize on issues many black people were dealing with, but it was capitalization all the same. Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, Jay Z, etc., not all but most, had a single

People have different tastes.  Don’t be insulting.

arguing that they ought to allow passwords to be shared without restriction seems like a petty, selfish hill to die on.”
Yeah, No. Netflix used to actively encourage using an account across multiple households including but not limited to structuring plans that only made sense if you had a sprawling mansion or more

If people have a problem with a company making everything worse with time, they should just cancel the service/stop buying the product instead of complaining”. Uh how about no, I’m very much going to complain about predatory business practices. 

Netflix used to cost less, be easier to access, and be friendly toward customers who travel.

Much respect for their approach. Can't wait to dive in

happosai rides again.

Enjoy being forever alone.

Oy, what’s with all this lamentation?