
The protest wasn’t about charging for the API but the excessive charges and expecting everything to be in place in four weeks

Steve, is that you?

I have previously found that unpulchritudinous onanist sneaks its way past most chat filters. I did see the username EXECUTEBIDEN in a game the other day (with no way to report it, which I would have done), and made a mental note that if that player was ever in need, well, they wouldn’t be getting any from me.

Facebook makes money on ads, yes, but they do so because of user engagement, which relies on new content being shared... quite often news stories. I’m not against what you’re saying necessarily, but it’s a bit disingenuous to separate the two.

At what point did changing genre = innovation? Maybe next we should try innovating Halo by making it a kart racer!

Right? Like if the next Zelda was suddenly a turn-based RPG I’d be confused, but try it out. And regardless would be incredibly disappointed if Nintendo went “this is Zelda now.”

It’s more like there should be room for BOTH and Square leveraging Final Fantasy to pivot to a modern gameplay style over the original is annoying to some.

Square Enix feels like it's a top down management approach.  Biggest difference is that in the past Square set the trends, now they follow them. "kids like action, no turn based or parties" "someone make us a souls game! Those are popular right?"

I’ve played pretty much every FF game that’s come out (with the exception of a few of the spinoffs) and I feel like since FF12 they’ve been steadily pushing away from the things that I’ve enjoyed in prior games. It’s not just the combat system that makes an FF game, sure, but it feels like a lot of these games have

Glad I jumped off after 12. Even if the games are good they’re not the kind of games I want out of FF. But I get that they’ve gotta keep the brand alive somehow.

It seems like EA started the EA Originals label to make it seem like they were genuinely interested in supporting exciting fresh indie games, but of course they decide to bury the release in the middle of a stacked AAA release window. This type of thing all but confirms what many assumed - this has always been a PR

I think you may be underestimating the resolve of bored, inconvenienced people on the internet.

Perhaps, but Facebook, Youtube and Twitter seem to have a good handle on (mostly) algorithmically preventing NSFW content from surfacing with advertising. Advertisers do want views, but some of them can be extremely adverse to being associated with certain kinds of content. Up to now Reddit has relied on humans to do

Dude, if Americans are happy to refer to other Americans citizens whose great great great grandad emigrated to the US a hundred years ago as Irish , Italian , Greek etc ..then it’s going to be hard stopping them referring to a guy actually born in Britain as British.

The question is what the general users will see when the mods are unable to use any tools to simplify their task of weeding out spam, nsfw, cp, or other undesirable content. Unless they have some other plan to moderate that, or are able to add thousands of new mods, it could become a place unfriendly for advertisers.

I haven’t seen anyone seriously taking issue with being forced to see ads - at least not as the primary gripe. I would be perfectly fine with a requirement that 3rd party apps must show Reddit’s ads..

From what I understand the Management is saying that they are trying to not have AI bots learn from Reddit content for free (and they are mulling an IPO and need revenue). However the Apps that will bare the brunt of that payment structture are Reddit Readers such as Apollo which allow more functionality then the

I think you misunderstand:

I find the ego of the guy part of the issue, He’s a CEO. He doesn’t want users telling him what to do, when he wants make money by any means for Reddit’s investors. 

No, GPT-3.5 does not use the Reddit API for training. The training data for GPT-3.5 primarily consists of a large corpus of publicly available text from various sources on the internet, including books, websites, articles, and other written material. It does not have direct access to specific platforms like