
And yet...a lot of those Latinos will keep voting Republican because their version of God tells them gays and abortions are worse.

He’s literally the 21st century Henry Ford.

Nazi Conservatives are making strides everywhere, it seems. In a different area, Nazi Conservatives in Texas are making sure that construction workers, which happen to include a lot of Latino people, die on the job from heat-related injures more often, by removing the water break requirement that some cities have on

This wasn’t a “snafu”. This is Elon Musk we’re talking about, with a completely re-regulated, un-moderated Twitter. This was absolutely deliberate.

‘Twitter sent us a poop emoji when we reached out.’

Is it possible that someone who loves money and hates taxes and banks might subscribe to anti-Semitic views that turn on millennia-old stereotypes about Jews?


Just in case you want to know who to send these images to:

The Apartheid blood emerald dudebro is a Nazi? Shocking.

I take it you never used IRC, Usenet, Email, or any other form of internet communication?

kind of wild having a *CEO* use “landed gentry” as an insult and complain about lack of democratic representation in how a company’s services are run (and I say this as someone whose job title is CSO)

Digital landlord calls share croppers “landed gentry”.

Literal authoritarian calls for “democracy” on online platform, after unilaterally forcing fees onto democratic platform infrastructure.

Landed gentry generally got money from what they did.

nothing says Democracy like a Authoritarian rolling-heads and installing his own lackys.

This person needs to not be CEO anymore. Once you start treating your users and largest contributors as the enemy instead of assets, it’s all over.

I haven’t seen anything that said they’ve acquiesced on anything. Is there a source on that? Also, the native Reddit app has many long standing flaws besides just the moderation tools.

FINAL FANTASY ALWAYS WANTED TO BE AN ACTION RPG GAME. Turn-based came a lot from hardware limitations at the time.

To be completely honest, I haven’t truly enjoyed a FF game since the SNES era. I don’t like the 3D games, and I especially don’t like them with VO (original or dubbed). They almost seem like self-parody, even though they’re earnest for the most part.

I feel the same. I was worried about the combat before because I’m one of those who prefers the turn-based combat they used to have, but I think they did a pretty decent job. It’s still a worse knockoff of DMC, not “new” like they say, but it’s better than their previous attempts at real-time combat. The problem is

I haven’t played 14 but I love the aesthetic, that’s not a problem at all, I actually like it, definitely a darker GOT type vide. It’s the gameplay mostly, it felt more like DMC then anything FF has ever been. Fun, for sure, FF? I mean, not really, things can change, I guess I’m being a bit hypocritical, I’m fine with