
You didn’t make the picture. *Facebook* made the picture.

Either you are being willfully obtuse, or do not understand that the actual “user” for social media platforms are advertisers, not the "end user," who functions as a free, or relatively low cost, content farm. When companies realize that a platform is putting their ads next to some real weird and objectionable stuff,

I’m sure Clippy would be able to figure it out.

They know exactly what’s going on. This is just temporarily side stepping accountability while still providing the type of low brow content that sparks interest in controversy. 

Whatever fixes they put in place, they should allow the Musk stickers to continue. I’m sure as a “free speech absolutist” he would wholeheartedly agree.

Oh boy, this is great. My friends are going to decide I’m insufferable within the hour. I can’t wait!

I hope whatever they’re paying Yaccarino to whitewash everything and play a big dumb talking head spouting meaningless talking points, it’s worth her soul.

It’s not particularly the algo dying, it’s that Twitter Blue subscribers try to farm engagement (get more views/retweets/quote tweets) by tweeting bad/”controversial” takes. Since engagement is monetized, it just creates a feedback loop of artificial “discourse”. It’s become even more of a hellsite because everyone is

Been following all day... I’m not sure about ALL usages of the word streaming, but the initial question that caused a bunch of hubbub was in response to WebGL versions of games.  Pretty much every time a web game is launched, it will initialize the player.  So simply refreshing the page could incur a charge.

They’re not talking about ‘broadcast’ streaming (i.e. Twitch), they’re talking about cloud gaming streaming, like Game Pass Ultimate, PS Now and Amazon Luna.

The extra ‘NICE’ thing about this is that now game installs are weaponized. You hate that a dev made a change in the game you don’t like? People used to review bomb it. Now just set up a script to install then uninstall the game all day long, and share that script with your equally frothing buddies.

“Dude. They will never ACTUALLY vote for you. Trust me...”

these commentors are so annoying, I liked the article

Said the person who’s never taken a life, nor likely had the threat of theirs being taken.

I can only speak for Mass Effect since I just played those, they are basically narrative action games with dialogue options. To call them RPGs is to do a disservice to RPGs in general since they are way too linear (with the exception of ME1).

Complains about a thought out article discussing an attempt to play a game in a non-standard way.  Kotaku commenters at their typical.  lol

They manage to somehow recognize that the KKK is generally considered bad... while at the same time actively courting their votes.  It is a weird balance to be striking. 

The GQP’s entire foundation is based on racism. It used to just be a part of it, carefully hidden by dog whistles. But now racism is all it has.  It saddens me that so many people see racism as a hill to die on.

>> Don’t mean to be controversial but can you imagine (V)ivek Ramaswamy calling a mainstream Jewish politician he disagreed with a Nazi?

Frankly, I thought there would be more of an outrage over this. Calling or comparing any Black person to “modern grand wizards” and refusing to apologize or take back the statement is stunning. Let’s not forget that first and foremost the KKK was/is a terrorist organization whose primary target remains Black folks: