
what media are you using? I’ve seen this everywhere

it would have been believable, if that was her reaction. But her ranting on twitter is more a sign that she is embarrassed to be caught in a lie.

Jared Fogle 2.0?

exactly. If it’s taking up the one HDMI port that my projector has (i know, i know) then im going to need my console to do a lot more than just play the hot new exclusive game of the week. i want to switch back and forth from HBO, to monday night football on the espn app, to black ops 3, and back to HBO (all without

Yea, 56% of the time for his career.

well, it’s the first deal amazon has had. Microsoft store had it at this price plus free game of choice back in november.

well, it’s the first deal amazon has had. Microsoft store had it at this price plus free game of choice back in

Kara Brown: the nut low

good for you. But the term has been around longer than cam’ron

do you mean:

yeah, thats what i was thinking. Im not trying to game on anything but wired.

looks like this

“Nobody throws 4 TD passes anymore”

should have gone with roth ira, imo

i think the point of this rant was not about the joke or self-depricating humor itself, but more on a macro level of something along the lines of “stop using cutesy cliche hashtags for everything. and stop posting every moment of your day on facebook”


or GOALS-related

low expectation *havin* mothafu....

You dont get to the tipy top of your highly competitive field by being dumb.


i think it’s smart to think of things as black and white. No grey. very smart.