actually your point doesnt still stand. It sounds to me like youre really trying to place all republicans as anti-abortion, and you are not right. Your point does not still stand.
actually your point doesnt still stand. It sounds to me like youre really trying to place all republicans as anti-abortion, and you are not right. Your point does not still stand.
showing up to work drunk is not “it’s my disability, so too bad you cant fire me, ahahahahahaha”
yeah, maybe the mom says once or twice that she misses her. But her whole angle here is not that she loves her daughter, it’s that she pays for stuff for her daughter so her daughter owes her affection.
some of the posters on this thread will tell you that you are being entitled or ‘privileged’ something something
the type that send random emoji texts and post meme pics on facebook
im actually going to say they did in fact sign up for that 100k ivy league bill. They probably said “yes we will pay for it”
so if you heard the kid’s side of the story and it was “actually, she texts me 50 times a day and I only have time to respond to 2 of them but then she freaks out that id didnt respond to them all”
“You owe me x because I paid for y”
“From my perspective, it’s the girl who is using the mom as a tool”
you owe her nothing.
havent even heard the daughter’s side of the story.
“Answering a text or two wouldn’t kill anyone”
If you agreed to pay for your child’s education, then I would argue that it would in fact be a shitty thing to do to renege on that while the child is in college.
“No one comes off well when they’re angry”
yep. Everyone should post on facebook about their lives and be exactly like everyone else. Sheeple.
i think it’s a solid move on the mother’s part to gossip with the older daughter about the daughter in question.
or thats when the daughter thinks to herself “hey, i can respond to this because it’s not something un-respondable-to like a random emoji text”
you sound like you would be exactly like the parent in this article. you sound like a parent I would not like having.
Wait, so you dont think :
yep. Every word the mother in the article wrote was a big red flag for me. And we aren’t even hearing the daughter’s side of the story.