oh Hardy har har very funny
oh Hardy har har very funny
not any different than “blah blah blah this game is worth 4 throwgasms blah blah blah”
unless interest rates are increasing and/or you dont have any PMI to remove int he first place.
FYI ironically, nut punches are something chris paul is known for.
Dante 3000: [watches all the replays]
there were 7 fielders involved.
deadspin, get through one article without using the word “privilege” please.
this is the equivalent of someone saying “christian ponder sucks” and you smugly replying “okay how high were you drafted in the first round of the NFL draft?”
you arent right
cop1: “cant we just find something to arrest this prick for? Make something up if we have to”
nothing like a potential felony for jay walking. Keep up that power trip, yall.
earlier today she signed a minor league contract with the st. louis cardinals.
+87 grams of sugar per serving
this thread is filled with edgy posts. “its so ugly” ... “I was gonna buy a few f these now im not because trunk space is low” ..... “ew it lacks drama and copy/paste from a theater review”
no, he just wants to be edgy.
jesus people. He wasnt saying to have several cars all with their own functions. OP is saying that whatever is most important to you, there is an option that would be better than the model 3 w/ hatchback.
I mean, I really doubt that more people have been in an apple store than car dealership. That becomes more clear when you think about how many years each has been around.
then bring in more revenue