
What exactly is awesome about panties that are just made of wicking material? I dont care how wicking it claims to be, why would you want to sit in blood all day? Also, periods aren’t just blood...theyre tissue and other gunk, so...??? The smell, too? No thanks.

I mentioned to another poster, that while I don’t know the specific toxins, we were told after my diabetic father died that fake sugar consumption had wrecked his kidneys. Obv they were already compromised due to the diabeetus, but you know, something to look into.

This is anecdotal and obviously should be vetted with a doctor, but if your husband is diabetic you may want to ask about fake sugars. My dad was diabetic and we were told (by his doctors) after he passed that consuming chemical-non-sugars (splenda) wrecked his kidneys and were what more or less led to his downfall.

I’d like one every year, thanks. If your insurance provider is the one pushing for less-frequent testing, perhaps you should consider their intere$$$$t in your health. By getting one every year, I was able to detect fast-growing pre-cancerous cells that were taken care of in a timely manner, however had i waited the 2

You sound like a man who has problems with women not needing your validation to know they are attractive.

Oh shut uppppppp, people used to get fucking portraits painted of themselves. “Selfies” is hardly a “this generation” concept.

This isn’t an instagram photo...?

When my dad died I couldn’t think of jack shit to say because I was too wrecked. Your mileage may vary.

Do you get sick a lot? There’s a good reason that you’re not supposed to wash your hands excessively.

“Why do women wear all that makeup!?”

Buy some volumizing powder. it will poof yours right up. I cannot live without the stuff.

I like that you’re defending your terrible drunk driving “joke.”

Plenty, PLENTY of women wear them because they want to. Seriously, knock it off with your bullshit “these women must be saved from themselves!”

Ugh, just shut up. These women who choose to wear headscarves do not need you to save them.

Cute trolling. try harder.

Men, between the ages of 17-dead. Every dude FREAKS OUT.

i’m sure you’ll have no trouble keeping the women away with blanket bullshit statements like these.

Uh, when they are not your kids, and you didn’t choose to have them, yes, it absolutely is a burden. Also, even if you do want them, raising kids is a burden. It is a huge responsibility.

Maybe he should have thought of that before mouthing off on the clock.

fuck offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff