Not everyone is into the same sex stuff that you are. What you find revolting, other women may get off on. Stop discounting women’s right to autonomy.
Not everyone is into the same sex stuff that you are. What you find revolting, other women may get off on. Stop discounting women’s right to autonomy.
OMFG do you always hate fun this much
All of this stuff came out when I was in high school. 2000-2004. So, no.
It’s...not just her? There are several people corroborating. This looks like it’s going to be another Cosby.
In a case like this, what evidence would prove he did it?
Yes, it does, because the statistics about false accusations support the idea that she is telling the truth, and the idea that he’ll never see a day in jail means this was probably the only real avenue she had to spread the word. Real life is not a fucking episode of SVU. What evidence do you want, exactly? Video…
*I* look desperate? You’re defending a rapist.
Cool story! Way to make a rape case about you you you!!
Or maybe you should stay out of your their business when it comes to when they decide to make a HUGE change in their life?
Ok, then your mom needs to stop discussing your health stuff regarding babies at work. Shit is unbelievably inappropriate not to mention a HUGE invasion of your privacy.
You’re charming.
“more legal”?
Holy shit, it’s almost like you’re using the words in a non-pejorative way, unlike him! It’s as if the meaning is different when a woman does it, not dissimilar from how it’s different if a black person and a white person both say the n word!
“our cause” lol gross
Thank god it only took almost raping someone for you to realize how not to be a rapist. Do you want a fucking medal or something?
LOL ok, not trusting men is the same as not trusting minorities...except men are not a minority and y’all have a well-fleshed-out history of doing horrible things to women.
Ah yes, another “let’s wait for the whole story!” because women so often lie about being raped by a coworker and boyfriend. God, you’re a fucking idiot.
Yes, because women lie about being raped so often.
Yeah, women usually like to light their careers on fire to accuse a porn star of rape. It’s not like people would drag her through the mud or anything. Surely, a casual lie that won’t create any type of controversy. Her evidence is her experience. Stop thinking that men are incapable of rape.