So as long as the guy is single, treating women like objects is okay? WHAT THE FUCK.
So as long as the guy is single, treating women like objects is okay? WHAT THE FUCK.
ive never right click saved as fast as i did for that first gif
Man, I don't get the neck ache. But the TIRED JAW. Gah.
Here's the fun thing about sex: you cannot tell whether someone is good by the verbiage they use. You can, however, figure out if someone is a complete asshole toolbag douche, as we were able to decipher from your input here.
did you even read the fucking article
Killing someone because they're trying to steal your smartphone. Sleep soundly tonight, psycho.
Your dad: irresponsible gun owner. Why the fuck doesn't he have a permit?
Whatever, they kept Tosh.0 on the air after he pulled that rape stunt a few years ago. They don't give a flying fuck.
Are you fucking kidding me? POOR MEN AND THEIR TINY PENISES.
Yeah, most rapes are committed to establish a power difference, not to get laid. This is not unusual.
"My brand of feminism is equality for all: male ....."
Look, the problem is Ansari's other comedy work has a lot of jokes about how women JUST WONT DATE HIM and they date jerks instead. Now, he has a girlfriend, and he suddenly sees women as respectable humans. It sucks that it took him getting laid on a regular basis to realize that women are, you know, people.
Feminism is not "getting a girlfriend and realizing women are people," you realize that, right? Because that's pretty much what Ansari did. His previous comedy shows were about how women were bitches because they didn't want to fuck him, in short.
I hope you're ready to keep on saying that (it won't be the last time you make a dumb claim like that) because holy moooooly you are incorrect.
Or maybe when we say "allies" we want people who don't jump at every FUCKING chance they have to tout JUST HOW FEMINIST they are now, when all they did was realize that women get a raw deal a lot of the time and make a shitload of money doing a comedy show about it.
You are indeed mistaken. Stop reading fucking Thought Catalog.
I can't speak for everyone, but I don't think either are cool. Obviously one is more scarring/intense, but still. Permanently altering someone's body without their input isn't right.
Easier? The procedure is the exact same for a 6 month old as it is for a 60 year old. Needle through lobe. Wait, shit, are you talking about piercing guns? Cool, EVEN WORSE.
too bad they ripped it off of tumblr.
No, there aren't. You sign up for an insurance plan, you go to a doctor for a free visit, and you get the RX.