Because like it or not it's an integral part of the way a lot of things work right now — getting jobs, connecting with family, keeping up with people who you don't have the chance to call weekly, etc.
Because like it or not it's an integral part of the way a lot of things work right now — getting jobs, connecting with family, keeping up with people who you don't have the chance to call weekly, etc.
It was a shitty non apology. "Actually, I don't think youre that good looking" is such a neg it's not even funny.
Ok psychiatrist.
Cool, if that's so I can expect he'll be in prison soon. Except, lol, probably not.
You go girl is a not-kosher-to say thing? I thought it was a Spice Girls thing. Honestly. What exactly does it symbolize? I'm 30 and white, and this is legitimately the first I have ever heard of it being offensive.
Whatever is necessary to care for a fetus, who I would not be able to afford to feed? Yeah, that would be abortion. Fuck your sanctimonious bullshit. If you think abortion is wrong, at least whole-hog it and don't bitch out on the rape/incest thing. A BABY IS A BABY, RIGHT?
I don't blame her. Chicago cops are known assholes. Vice just printed this story this week; it's just the latest in a long list of Chicago cops exercising intimidation, fear, and illegal force.
Are you suggesting that being in character for a fucking art show is the same as being physically incapacitated by a drug?
She's dead now.
We are talking about a guy who chased down a photographer and threw a cup of coffee at the photographer because the picture-taker was taking pictures of him without his consent, and you're going to tell me that LaBoeuf is incapable of saying no to someone during an art piece, even as his girlfriend watches on?
Currently, the message it sends is "we dont have the cash to produce more than one doll, please help us."
Break up with him. I'm not joking.
You're a dude. They are not aimed at you, nor are they usually loud enough for other dudes to critique. They are typically said at a volume loud enough for just the woman to hear or are done when no other men are around. Please stop discounting these experiences because you, a man, hasnt seen it.
He doesn't have a hundred pounds on Wilson and they are the same height.
I mix mine with: water, root beer, ginger ale and lime, nothing, ice, cream soda (one of the above, for clarity — not all at once. I'm not a monster).
Wow, it's almost like Gawker media expects that every single black person feels the same about every issue dealing with racism simply due to the color of their skin
She killed herself after being raped and bullied and your first comment was what you dislike about her body. Please go jump off a bridge.
Delete these idiots. Seriously, associating with their bullshit and not removing them from your life is a very casual way of accepting their racism as okay behavior.