
Let’s not rein on their parade

Maybe...But it looks a little too much like a 2013 Kia Optima Hybrid.

They should've taken a okay from Elon's book. Their first car could be the EV-F, then EV-U and so on and so forth. Once they have all their EVs out they would spell out their message. And everyone will know Cadillac makes FUN CARS. 

If the watch was fully compatible with my non-Samsung phone I’d buy it in a second, but if the ECG and stress functionality isn’t going to work I have to at least wait to see what Fossil and fitbit offer

Now this is a story all about how

No offense to these history scholars, the most damaging conspiracy theory in history is religion. Full stop. The perpetuation that some omniscient and omnipresent invisible being/s setting up arbitrary rules and guidelines we must follow and have faith in have sparked more wars, murder spree’s, genocides, prejudices,

If the Malibu was as good as a Carola - GM might have had Toyota’s profits today. People avoided corvettes later in life because of how shitty the Malibu was. It’s a double edged sword. The entry cars can’t be GM or Ford garbagemobiles. Toyota builds a good car for $25k. And that translates to a lifetime of consumer

That way you can yell “Alexa, make me a cup of coffee”, to which she responds “Sorry, I didn’t get that.” You then say “Alexa, coffee pot on”, and she replies with “Ok, starting up the Roomba”. By the time you actually get it brewing you’re wide awake!

These wireless earbud reviews need some face-forward photos to gauge how much they still out of the ears. Profile views don’t really tell that story.

“There was only one problem: People on the internet were absolutely convinced Bernie’s army fought everyone, even though it was really just a small minority of them. In those days, internet people didn’t realize that they weren’t the majority, and journalists went along with it because pretending whatever was on

When swinging a grandfather clock like a bat (as one does), the appropriate catch phrase is...

Amateur Race Driver is an Egotistical Prick

But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus. 

Spike over Angel ANY day. Or, you know, night, seeing as they’re vampires...

Most people don’t go to college for educations that directly affect their future jobs. The degree is literally just status.

Well, at least this case gives us...

It has been my experience that places which only accept cash are not places which sell things I absolutely need. I mean for fuck’s sake you can go to a craft show and 70 year old Judy from east bumble who makes crocheted undies in whimsical patterns has a square plugged into her iPhone all ready to run your card.

I haven’t carried cash in years. I can’t remember the last time I “needed” it. Even the small produce stands in my rural home town accept cards now.

To engineer struts that can keep the gate open in consideration for the cargo that can be loaded in that hanging nutsack.... some old granny is gonna be hanging off the end of the thatch but doesn’t actually weigh enough to be able to pull it down.

Beto is definitely one of the guys in college who still wore shorts in the winter.