
This is just more evidence that executives are completely out of touch with the real world and love to throw money at problems that don’t exist. Your Cars/EVs aren’t selling because they suck. The competition has moved on to newer technologies and their products don’t get watered down due to bean-counters cutting

Or... what is missed here is that a PICKUP TRUCK TOWING A CAR comfortably ran sub 13-second 1/4 miles with no fuss whatsoever. The anti-Tesla crowd is trying to shit all over them for “lying” about this... but the fact that a 3rd party tested this and it was that close is EXTREMELY impressive IMO.

The bigger problem is the study is published in a peer-reviewed journal. It was allowed to be pushed through with a bunch of misleading conclusions from the authors, when the data does not support those conclusions AT ALL.

This is a garbage article to a garbage “peer-reviewed” study. From the link directly to the study, the model had a r=.13 correlation when tested outside of the the source photos.

And construction costs have outpaced normal inflation. All public works projects end up extremely over budget and over time. This will be a $3-4 billion when all is said and done, unless it gets fast tracked through the army corps of engineers.

This trend has always struck me as ridiculous. I see all these people spending thousands on cold plunge pools and could only thin that 10 years from now they will be looked back on like the vibrating belt machines from the 60s.

Locating stolen vehicles for one.

>Pickup trucks are for people whose jobs require them to haul things around. If you’re driving a pickup truck and rarely / never using it for pickup truck things, you’re a poseur and people will make fun of you for using a pickup truck to overcompensate for your fragile sense of masculinity.

Stellantis had the right idea making the Grand Wagoneer. Plenty of other full size SUVs do well, but I don’t understand why they did it as a Jeep, especially when it shares a platform with the RAM 1500. Why not make it a RAM branded SUV? 

You asked why there is so much money involved. I gave you an answer. I don’t care whether Meta is successful or not. People have SAID they hated social media for years... and yet there they are ON SOCIAL MEDIA. I hate mustard, do you know how often I eat it? Never.

The irony of it all is CEOs are mostly worthless. If all of them disappeared tomorrow, every single business in the world would continue moving forward as if nothing ever happened. 

Meta owns THREE of the most popular social media networks (Facebook, Instagram, and Threads) and one of the most popular chat apps (Whatsapp). Facebook gets a lot of hate (mostly in certain circles), but Instagram is almost universally loved by its users and Threads is growing into the space occupied by TWITTER which

One rigorous study proving NO benefit... or WORSE outcomes for patients taking the drug is a lot more conclusive than ZERO... read it again... ZERO studies showing any benefit.

They do, by giving you “free” access to content. 

And who would they sell that data to? The only ones that care about that data is, yep, advertisers. Without ads your data is worthless.

Advertising is the ONLY proven way to make money on something that is offered for free. People have hated ads for decades ... and yet it still persists as a primary form of income for many industries.

I think Quantumania’s downfall was its overreliance on CGI. There was no real character development for anyone other than Kang, and even that was a small piece of the film.

The difference there is Toyota hasn’t replaced the 4Runner with a new model while still selling the old model.

Exactly, I’ve hauled 8' sheets of plywood in my 5ft7in bed just fine plenty of times. Just drop the tailgate and strap it in. No biggie. I’ve hauled motorcycles, appliances, heavy gym equipment, loads of dirt/sand, and plenty of other things and NEVER wished I had an extra 2.5 feet of bed length.

The REV and RamCharger (and probably electrified versions of the Wagoneer/Grand Wagoneer):