
Rumor is they have wanted to fire him for a while, but he had a clause that no other actor could play the character of Kang. Disney remained tight-lipped on Majors after the incident even as there was a growing push from the public to can him. However, he likely had a morality clause in his contract and the guilty

It was a Jury trial. If Epic could convince 12 people that know nothing about the law or technology to rule in their favor... they win. It doesn’t matter if it’s the “right” answer or not. 

No. It had nothing to do with her being hot, blonde, or female as you seem to be implying. It had everything to do with her being boring, stoic (when the interaction didn’t call for it), and showing no charisma or chemistry with any of the other characters on screen. Her “friendship” with Monica Rambeau felt forced

Captain Marvel did $1Billion box office, not because it was a great movie and the character was well-liked, but because of the Marvel brand carried it at its height.

Yes. I had the exact same thought when I saw this. Looks like slick demo to capture VC interest and they will vanish off into the sunset. Definite Elizabeth Holmes vibes from the wife.

Semantics. The point stands.

He gets a prominent media platform that can be used as an echo-chamber for right-wing agendas leading up to next year’s election. He will be able to use his influence to funnel money from politicians fitting his political agenda and hold sway over them if they win power next November.

I don’t know if that was an Apple problem so much as an AT&T problem. AT&T was widely know as a TERRIBLE phone carrier and they had an exclusive for the original iPhone.

>That last point should be obvious, but there are still people insist on not using a case.

No, they wouldn’t. If there is a big corporation with $$$ involved, they will do nothing but them pay a token fine.

To be fair, roughly half the country has fully bought into every single line og bullshit that spews out of his mouth, no matter how ridiculous it is. It’s scary to think about, but if only a few more people bought in (or even ONE more: Mike Pence) he would have put an end to American Democracy... and has another

It’s possible both are true. In the early days, it could have been people were motivated to keep productivity high and were grateful to still be getting paid and have some flexibility, so they worked harder (anecdotally I know a lot of people that felt this way.) Over time, people have realized there is nobody

What exactly was the point of this article? It’s tone seems to indicate that Heidi Klum is the asshole here, and the only asshole I can find are the people who made up stories about her calorie-intake and the author.

> Sure there are handfuls of people who like being in the office all the time, but overall in-person has been shown to be no more efficient or productive than remote work.

I am not afraid of a future full of self-driving cars. The problem is they are going about in this in a way that is destined to fail.

Lots of motorcycle riders wear glasses under their helmet. Full face helmets have lot of padding around the ears and they don’t end up pressing the glasses into your head. It’s more the opposite (the glasses push into the padding.)

Helmets come in too many shapes/sizes/styles to be viable for a niche product like this. This would be compatible with nearly every helmet style in existence (including those without face shields). Plus, if they are using google glass style projection that focuses on your retina, that is a lot more difficult when

How about we don’t let old people vote since they don’t have a stake in the future? They have no incentive to do anything for the common good because their days in the world are numbered. Let’s take that a step further and place an age limit for serving in elected office. It makes no sense that at 60+ years of age you

I know I refused to pay to see any DC movies after BVS. After, Suicide Squad and Justic League, I swore off DC movies completely. I TRIED watching them both several times and they were so terrible I couldn’t make it through.