

I haven’t been following the car industry as much as I used to, but the CT5 is a sexy car and I have never seen one and definitely haven’t seen an advertisement for one. Is Cadillac just passively waiting for the brand to die and/or become all SUVs?

Saturn and Scion were both new brands that used that as their sales model from the outset. It is different bringing new franchisees on board under those rules vs. change the model completely from decades of precedent in doing it another way.

It’s not the dealers colluding to a fixed price. It is an agreement between Ford and their dealers on a sales practice and they have the right to do that as the Franchisor. 

It’s not about simultaneous streams.... it’s where those streams are coming from. If you are regularly streaming from more than 1 location, that’s when you will get a notice. They will use some form of IP address checking to verify.

The “average” Texas driver is in a pickup truck getting 18 MPG or less. So, some of the estimates in that article are wildly off. The $200 year is still more expensive than what those pickup truck drivers are paying, but not wildly so.

Is Mush going to fire himself as CEO from all 5 of his companies because he isn’t spending 40 hours a week in the office at each one?

Yes, they were like eating lava. Even after you had taken the time to drive home and eat your full meal before biting into a pie, that first bite always was 1000 degrees.

Technically, that is 100% correct... and in fact, Peloton recognizes this too, which is why they are pivoting away from hardware and leaning into the software and content, which is their differentiating feature. They will look to sell subscriptions more to people that are... wait for it... using a stationary bike with

I think the popularity of Peloton has proven you wrong. Stationary bikes have existed for a LONG time, but you didn’t see people using them in droves until Peloton put content on them. 

Civil War may have been titled Captain America, but let’s be real, it was an Avengers movie.

NINE of the Top 30 highest grossing films of all times are Marvel movies. Any random Marvel movie is guaranteed to make $700M or so with the highest grossing ones competing for top-5. That doesn’t happen after THIRTY-ONE movies only catering to niche audiences.

They saw Marvel’s success with the Avengers and thought... , “Let’s do that!” without taking the time to build to it or worry about what you do AFTER you get there.

I work in a 9-1-1 dispatch center and we get calls for fully engulfed vehicle fires 2-3 times per. Guess how many of them have made the news? ONE. For the Tesla, of course.

While your overall point is true, people are more motivated to turn out when they strongly beleive in the candidate and the national party’s insistence on interfering in the process to ensure their candidates that are “due” get nominated, is why they continue to lose more often than they win.

In this case the owner of the vehicle is the bank, the repo men are acting as agents of the real owner, and likely gave THEIR permission to search the vehicle.

“the ball definitely goes farther in moist, warm, air and that is what climate change will give you in a northern hemisphere summer. That has been known for decades.”

As a 911 Supervisor, I am in favor of fining tech companies for using 911 services as a commercial to sell their products, while they are inadvertantly inundating public safety services with false calls.

A smart garage door opener is one of the most useful “smart” appliances out there. Receiving notifications the door was left open and being able to close it if you forgot is extremely valuable.

The fanboyism in trucks is the reason truck innovation and quality remains stagnant.