
Bally is in bankruptcy proceedings. If they miss any rights payments to the sports leagues they lose their rights, and rumor is the MLB is ready to step up and take over broadcasts either through their streaming platform and/or in partnership with another network. NHL is likely to piggyback on whatever MLB does.

When you factor in the rules outlined, “The tic-tac-toe position above was reached in a game between two flawless players, meaning neither of them ever made a move that would allow their opponent to win by force and neither of them missed an opportunity to force a win themselves.” there is only one answer to the

I didn’t stigmatize anything other than lying about it. I see nothing wrong with performance enhancing drugs and if people (including actors, athletes, instagram models and influencers) were honest about how they actually obtain their results, there would be a lot better understand of what is obtainable naturally,

If they don’t change the physics of what’s involved, how do you think it’s possible you make faster progress?

The thing that is being missed here, is the calorie assumptions are made on a slow and steady gain of muscle for a “natural” athlete. The actors doing these insane bulks are almost assuredly using performance enhancing drugs and that changes everything.

I don’t think they wanted the shows to link to the movie universe. His point was he is experienced in tying together multiple properties, developing long-term storylines, and making it all work together to be well received by fans. The fact that he kept a bunch of B-rate superheroes on TV for over a decade with a

The problem isn’t range... it’s charging time. When charging times are as slow as they are... it means people will not choose a vehicle with less than 300 miles range if they are planning on using it for travelling (even if it’s only a few times a year.)

This Karen is as racist as they come, but they were 100% trolling her for TikTok views: “McAdory told The Daily Beast he was only trying to do an act of kindness because the woman had complained about them shoveling their friend’s driveway before.”

The real moral of this story is that even if you pour your heart and soul into something, your boss can still not give shit.”

That’s not really true... most people (especially the overweight) have broken hunger signals. Eating is a habit, they think they are hungry when their stomach isn’t actively digesting something or they are really thirsty. Your body has been conditioned to eating so often it sends hunger signals through hormones to

The thing about dieting to lose weight it there is NO SUCH THING as a sustainable weight loss diet. In order to lose weight you HAVE to eat at a caloric deficit. That is impossible to do forever. The “nutrition” industry is littered with “weight loss” plans, but almost nobody (that gets any amount of attention) is

Maybe.... just maybe... the Man’s lawyer isn’t full of shit and the mother is indeed using claims of breastfeeding once per hour as a way to impede the father’s rights to visitation?

They start a gofundme for this that would pay legal fees to defend the lawyer AND invalidate Rolex’s trademark? This is exactly the kind of corporate bullshit that needs to be fought against. 

Disagree. I had an induction stove in my last house and it was FAR superior to any gas stove I’ve ever used. There is a learning curve to it, but once I got the hang of it going back to gas was AWFUL when I moved. 

That’s bullshit. Plenty of professional chefs are all-in on induction. It’s faster, more accurate to heat, and quicker to adjust between different temps (from a boil to a sautee for instance).

Why is there not a single example of a “bladeless” ceiling fan in the article? The Amazon link for “bladeless” fans didn’t show a single example of a “Dyson-like” bladeless fan. They are all traditional ceiling fans with a grill over them, which just makes all of the negatives you associated with a traditional ceiling

Lately, almost every tradesperson I have come across is no longer driving a pickup truck. They are too expensive and too big to be useful. If they are driving a late model vehicle, it is almost always a Ford Transit or something similar. If they are driving a pickup truck, it is something 20-30 years old... except for

It hasn’t passed the House... so it means nothing. 

There is momentum behind getting rid of it... the problem is now a disagreement over which option to choose. Get rid of DST completely or move to permanent DST?

Except it is still less efficient than those rocketship EVs it is competing against. The “green” crowd has gone all-in on EVs. The people buying still buying Hybrids are probably doing it because they are cheaper (and available.)