
It looks like a Prius and a Chevy Volt had a baby.

Manchin and Sinema are meaningless now that the GOP holds the House. It’s going to be two years of nothing but press conferences accusing the other party of doing nothing.

The issue is doctors will generally react in a way to protect their livelihoods. They aren’t going to risk their license, their practice, and their freedom to keep doing a procedure that is outloawed. So, IVF will disappear immediately if laws are passed against it. Just look at how many reports there are of doctors

Voter turnout was high because Trump was historically unpopular ans seen as a threat to democracy by many. The Democrats could have nominated a crash test dummy and the election would have been basically the same.

So many people get sucked into the “he’s rich” or “he’s really good at ___” and associate it with they must be brilliant and it is very clearly not true. See Elon Musk, Donald Trump, or any athlete for clear examples.

You presume this program was designed with the inmates in mind. It was designed as a way for a government contractor to make billions while exploiting the inmate population for free labor. The “training and distraction for inmates” is just the PR they attached to their scheme so they can get away with it without being

You’re right they are a dead political party, but only because they have gerrymandered everywhere that matters and in 2-3 cycles there will be no need for political parties, because they will have eliminated fair and free elections and we will all be bowing to King Trump for the next decade and King Trump II for 30

People are focused on the wrong part of this article IMO. Yes, the average weights are still too low for reality.

It’s really. Southwest gets by just fine without a first class to subsidize empty economy seats. You could easily increase seat width 16% on 3+3 planes by switching to a 2+3 layout and theoretically would only need to increase prices by 16% to offset the difference.

Probably similar to running on a treadmill. After you get off you feel like you are gliding on water, but you adjust after a couple minutes and are back to normal.

Pick all the least common numbers. They are DUE!!!

She did great, but I felt the direction of the 4th-wall breaks were too abrupt and were so infrequent it felt really awkward and strange whenever they did it. It did not have the same seamless feel that it did with Deadpool.

The requirement is for CHARGING, not data transfer. So, this primarily applies to wireless headphones.

In California this would be a “hate incident” not a “hate crime.

In California this would be a “hate incident” not a “hate crime.

Not necessarilly. John Roberts has been the voice of reason in many of these arguments, and even if he signs on to the decisions he was usually not one to go to the full extreme the others on the court are. Despite everyone saying the court is not political, it is, especially within the decision-making process. A 5-4

Hardware will never get an Android user to switch. There are plenty of Android phones that are much better on hardware vs. price than the iPhone. Software is what usually makes people switch. For me: Allowing default apps to be set for every app type and the horrible notification system are keeping me from switching. 

Technically, they are correct. 720p and 1080p came into prominence at the same time and both were part of the transition from SD to HD. Both were considered and marketed as HD. 1080p was eventually labelled as FHD (Full HD.)

While it may be true that every platform tries to make it look better than it actually is. It is 100% false that companies do not seem to care or pay attention to the ads they place. They can see and track every aspect of the ads they place (how many people view them, what % of those click on the ad, what % of those

It matters because active users and platform engagement are metrics upon which advertising can be sold and thus derives value of the company. If bots are a significantly higher percentage of the user base than twitter claims, then its value as a tool to sell advertisements takes a big hit.